Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

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390CHAPTER 19Explaining Other Common Network ServicesTABLE 19.2Anonymous FTP DirectivesDefaultvsftpd Directive Value Descriptionanonymous_enable YES Set to YES to enable anonymous FTP access.allow_anon_ssl NO If ssl_enable and allow_anon_ssl are setto YES, anonymous users are allowed to usesecure SSL connections. For these optionsto work, vsftpd must be compiled againstOpenSSL, and the client connecting musthave SSL support.anon_mkdir_write_enable NO If set to YES along with write_enable,anonymous users can create directories ifthe anonymous FTP user has write permissionson the parent directory.anon_other_write_enable NO If set to YES, anonymous users can writemore than just directories and files. They candelete, rename, and more. Use caution whenenabling this option.anon_upload_enable NO If set to YES along with write_enable,anonymous users can upload files undercertain conditions. Anonymous FTP usersmust have proper permissions in the directorybeing uploaded to.anon_world_readable_only YES If set to YES, anonymous users can onlydownload files that are world readable.chown_uploads NO If set to YES, all files uploaded by anonymoususers will be owned by the user set withchown_username.deny_email_enable NO If set to YES, email addresses listed in thefile set with banned_email_file and usedas the anonymous user password are deniedlogin. The default banned email file is/etc/vsftpd/banned_emails.force_anon_data_ssl NO If set to YES along with ssl_enable, allanonymous users are forced to use SSL fordata transfers.force_anon_logins_ssl NO If set to YES along with ssl_enable, allanonymous users are forced to use SSLwhen sending the password.no_anon_password NO If set to YES, anonymous users do not haveto provide a password. They are logged inafter specifying anonymous as the username.secure_email_list_enable NO If set to YES, only anonymous users withemail passwords listed in the file set byemail_password_file are allowed to log in.By default, the email password file is set to/etc/vsftpd/email_passwords.

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