Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

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352CHAPTER 16Hostname Resolution with BINDLISTING 16.1Continuedprint-category ;print-severity ;print-time ;category ;};Listing 16.2 defines the four predefined channels for logging.LISTING 16.2Predefined Logging Channelschannel default_syslog {syslog daemon;};severity info;// send to syslog’s daemon// facility// only send priority info// and higherchannel default_debug {file “named.run”;};severity dynamic;// write to named.run in// the working directory// Note: stderr is used instead// of “named.run”// if the server is started// with the ‘-f’ option.// log at the server’s// current debug levelchannel default_stderr {stderr;severity info;};// writes to stderr// only send priority info// and higherchannel null {null;};// toss anything sent to// this channelYou can also define your own custom channel. When creating user-defined channels, usea unique channel name, and replace from Listing 16.1 with one of thefollowing:. Send messages to a file:file versions size

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