Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

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Configuring BIND 341Install the bind package, the bind-utils package, and their software dependencies usingRHN (refer to Chapter 3, “Operating System Updates”) to set up BIND.This chapter focuses on basic DNS configuration via the configuration files to help youget started. However, you should also read the “BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual”that comes with the bind package in the /usr/share/doc/bind-/arm/Bv9ARM.pdf file. It includes everything from DNS fundamentals and BIND resourcerequirements to configuring and securing the name server.Configuring named.confThe /etc/named.conf file is the main configuration file for BIND. It should be owned bythe named user because the named service is run by this user. The file permissions fornamed.conf should only allow the owner to read and write to the file (which also allowsthe root user to modify the file).To add comments to named.conf, the following methods can be used:. /* This is a comment. */. // This is a comment.. # This is a comment.The following statements are allowed in named.conf:. acl: IP address list used for access control. For example:16acl {};Replace with a unique name for the list, and replace with a semicolon-separatedlist of elements, which can include IP addresses, IP address prefixesin the form X.X.X.X/X, one of the predefined list names (any, none, localhost, andlocalnets), the name of a key defined in the top-level of named.conf, or a nestedaddress list in braces. Any of these elements can be negated by prefixing it with anexclamation point and a space such as ! to exclude fromthe list. When the match is being made, the matching stops at the first element inthe list it matches: Be careful with the order of the elements.These defined ACLs can later be used to allow or deny access with the allow-transfer,allow-recursion, allow-query, and other statements.. controls: Define control channels for the rndc utility. Refer to the next section“Configuring Control Channels” for details.. include: Include the contents of a separate file, which can have more restrictivepermissions to protect sensitive data. The must include the full path tothe file.include “”

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