Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

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Configuring the Server 333where is the HTTP error code such as 404 for page not found and 500 fora server error. The can be one of the following:. Location of a web page from the same server, starting with a forward slash.The page is relative to the DocumentRoot. It can be a server-side script.Example: /errors/404.html. Remote URL. Specify the entire URL, including the http://. Example:http://errors.example.com/404.html. Custom error message contained in quotation marks. Example: “Page notfound on this server”. The keyword default to display the default error message from the ApacheHTTP server.OptionsAllow a particular server feature for the main server, in a virtual host declaration,or in a directory section. List multiple options on the same line separated byspaces. The following Options are available:All15All options except MultiViews.ExecCGIFollowSymLinksIncludesIncludesNOEXECIndexesMultiViewsAllow for the execution of CGI scripts using the mod_cgi module.Follow symbolic links in the directory.Allow server-side includes with the mod_includes module.Allow server-side includes except for #exec cmd and #exec cgi. Using#include virtual, CGI scripts from directories listed with theScriptAlias directive are still allowed.If the DirectoryIndex directive is not used to define valid index pages,allow the mod_autoindex module to generate the index pages list.As provided by the mod_negotiation module, allow for the selection ofthe content according to what works best for the client based on theclient’s browser, language, preferred encoding, and more.

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