Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

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Samba File Sharing 313LISTING 13.6Continuedmax log size = 50socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192printcap name = /etc/printcapdns proxy = Nocups options = raw[homes]comment = Home Directoriesread only = Nobrowseable = No13[printers]comment = All Printerspath = /var/spool/sambaprintable = Yesbrowseable = No[tmp]comment = Temporary file spacepath = /tmpread only = NoStarting and Stopping the Samba ServerTo start the Samba server, execute the command service smb start. To stop the server,execute the command service smb stop.To have the service start automatically at boot time, use chkconfig:chkconfig smb onTo determine whether or not the Samba server is running, use the command service smbstatus. If the smb.conf configuration file is modified after the service is started, use thecommand service smb reload to force a reread of the configuration file so the changestake effect.Logging Samba ConnectionsThe system log file, /var/log/messages, contains messages from the Samba services smbd,nmbd, and mount.cifs as well as kernel messages about the smb service.By default, a log file is created for each system that connects to the server. The log filesare located in the /var/log/samba/ directory, with the naming convention of.log for the individual log files. This default is configured in smb.confwith the following line:log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log

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