Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

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290CHAPTER 12Identity Managementauthentication settings. If --probe is used instead, the network is probed via DNS andother services for configuration information about the system. If any information isfound, it is displayed. If none are found, no information is displayed.If enabling a service, be sure to also specify its required settings such as --ldapserver= and ldapbasedn= with --enableldapauth. Because the command-lineversion is intended to be non-interactive, no error messages or warnings appear if youdon’t provide the necessary information for a service. The service is just not enabled orstarted. Be sure to test all commands being used in scripts or kickstart before relying onthem to work.TABLE 12.3 authconfig Command-Line OptionsCommand-Line OptionDescription--helpDisplay all command-line options and briefdescriptions.--enableshadowEnable shadow passwords (the default).--disableshadowDisable shadow passwords.--enablemd5Enable MD5 passwords (the default).--disablemd5Disable MD5 passwords.--enablenisEnable NIS for user information.--disablenisDisable NIS for user information.--nisdomain=Specify NIS domain if enabling NIS.--nisserver=Specify NIS server if enabling NIS.--enableldapEnable LDAP for user information.--disableldapDisable LDAP for user information.--enableldapauthEnable LDAP for authentication.--disableldapauthDisable LDAP for authentication.--ldapserver=Provide LDAP server if enabling LDAP.--ldapbasedn=Provide LDAP base DN if enabling LDAP.--enableldaptlsEnable use of TLS with LDAP.--disableldaptlsDisable use of TLS with LDAP.--ldaploadcacert=Load CA certificate from URL provided ifenabling LDAP.--enablesmartcardEnable smart card authentication.--disablesmartcardDisable smart card authentication.--enablerequiresmartcardRequire smart card authentication.--disablerequiresmartcardDo not require smart card authentication.--smartcardmodule=Specify smart card module to use if enabling it.--smartcardaction=Set action to take when smart card is removed.Set to 0 to lock or 1 to ignore.--enablekrb5Enable Kerberos authentication.--disablekrb5Disable Kerberos authentication.--krb5kdc=Set Kerberos KDC when enabling Kerberosauthentication.

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