Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

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Enabling LDAP 273LISTING 12.7Modifying an Entry#change the title of an employee after a promotiondn: cn=Evan Wolf,ou=engineering,ou=employeedir,dc=example ,dc=comchangetype: modifyreplace: titletitle: Level III systems engineer#change the dn of an employee after he has changed departmentsdn: cn=Seymour Air, ou=finance, ou=employeedir, dc=example, dc=comchangetype: modrdnnewrdn: cn=Seymour Airdeleteoldrdn: 0newsuperior: ou=engineering, ou=employeedir, dc=example, dc=com12#now change the title and location of the same employeedn: cn=Seymour Air, ou=engineering, ou=employeedir, dc=example, dc=comchangetype: modifytitle: Level I systems engineerphysicalDeliveryOfficeName: Raleigh 3rd floor#delete an employee after he no longer works for the companydn: cn=Ed Money, ou=finance, ou=employeedir, dc=example, dc=comchangetype: delete#add a new employeedn: cn=Nick Burns, ou=engineering, ou=employeedir, dc=example, dc=comchangetype: addobjectClass: topobjectClass: inetOrgPersoncn: Nick Burnssn: BurnstelephoneNumber: 919-555-9010mail: nick.burns@example.comtitle: Engineering AdministratorphysicalDeliveryOfficeName: Raleigh 3rd floor#add the manager attribute to an employeedn: cn=Seymour Air, ou=engineering, ou=employeedir, dc=example, dc=comchangetype: modifyadd: managermanager: cn=Evan Wolf,ou=engineering,ou=employeedir,dc=example,dc=com

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