Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

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Scheduling Tasks with Cron 249LISTING 11.10Example Sed Commands#double space a text file that is single spacedsed -e G singlespace.txt > doublespace.txt11#replace the word one with the number 1sed -s ‘s/one/1/g’ old.txt > new.txt#replace the word old with the word new but only for the first instance on each➥linesed -s ‘s/old/new/’ old.txt > new.txtFor a Sed reference including a list of regular expressions accepted by Sed, refer to the Sedmanual at http://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/sed.html.Writing Scripts with AwkCompared to Sed, Awk is a more complete language with arrays, built-in functions, and theability to print from an Awk program. It, too, can be called directly from the command lineor from a Bash script. Install the gawk package to use Awk (<strong>Red</strong> <strong>Hat</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> <strong>Linux</strong> includesthe GNU version of Awk called Gawk). To use Awk from the command line, invoke the awkcommand followed by the code inside curly brackets, inside single quotation marks:awk ‘{}’To use Awk from a Bash script, use the same syntax as if from the command line. Refer tothe “Executing Commands in a Bash Script” section earlier in this chapter for furtherexplanation on including commands in a Bash script.Listing 11.11 shows a simple awk command to parse through the output of the uptimecommand and only display the number of days since the last reboot.LISTING 11.11Awk Program to Parse Output of uptime Command#only print how long the system has been running from the uptime commanduptime | awk ‘{print $3 “ “ $4}’Because the output of uptime is always in the same format, you know that the third andfourth fields in the space-separated list contain the number of days that the system hasbeen running and the word “days.” This data is displayed using the Awk print command.For a complete Gawk reference including a list of built-in functions, refer to the Gawkmanual at http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/.Scheduling Tasks with CronNow that you understand the basics of automating tasks with a script or program, thenext step is to know how to schedule the tasks so they are executed at a specific time oron a set schedule. Some scripts such as removing users may not need to be scheduled, but

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