Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

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76CHAPTER 2Post-Installation ConfigurationFIGURE 2.18Connect to Remote ServerEnter the root password when prompted. After successful authentication, the printers andprinter classes displayed are for the remote server. The title of the window also changes toreflect the IP address or hostname of the print server being managed.Adding Boot ParametersTo boot a computer into an operating system, a boot loader is needed. When the computeris booted, the boot loader starts the kernel that then starts the rest of the operatingsystem. Different architectures use different boot loaders as shown in Table 2.1.TABLE 2.1 Boot Loaders for Each ArchitectureArchitecture Boot Loader Boot Loader Configuration Filex86 GRUB /etc/grub.confAMD® AMD64 GRUB /etc/grub.confIntel® Itanium ELILO /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/elilo.confIBM® eServer OS/400 /boot/vmlinitrd-iSeries (pre-POWER5)IBM® eServer YABOOT /etc/yaboot.confiSeries (POWER5)IBM® eServer z/IPL /etc/zipl.confSystem zSometimes, boot parameters are needed for a system to boot or run properly. For example:. noht: Disable Hyper-Threading. noapic: Disable Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) available onselect motherboards. acpi=off: Disable advanced configuration and power interface (acpi)GRUBFor x86, x86_64, and AMD64 systems, the GRUB boot loader configuration file is/etc/grub.conf. Each installed kernel contains a title section, which includes a line thatbegins with kernel. Add boot parameters to the end of the kernel line. Listing 2.10 showsthe noht parameter added.

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