Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

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532APPENDIX BCreating Virtual Machines. virt-manager: Graphical application for Virtualization administration (not necessaryif using the interactive command-line utility virt-install instead).. gnome-applet-vm: Desktop panel applet to monitor virtual domains (not necessaryfor systems without a graphical desktop).. libvirt: API for Virtualization and utility for managing virtual domains. Alsoincludes the virsh utility used to manage VMs.FIGURE B.1Virtualization Software Group During InstallationThe kernel-xen package installs the <strong>Linux</strong> kernel with Virtualization support compiledinto it. It also adds a stanza for the Virtualization kernel to the GRUB configuration file/etc/grub.conf but does not set it to the default. To change it to the default, change thenumber following the default keyword with the stanza number for the Virtualizationkernel (the kernel version for it ends with the keyword xen). The stanza count startswith the number 0 and goes from the top of the file to the bottom. After booting, theuname -r command can be used to determine which kernel is currently running.Setting Up the VM and Installing the Guest OSBefore setting up a virtual machine, make sure you are running the Virtualization kernelas described in the last section. Execute the uname -r command and verify that the kernelversion running ends with the xen keyword.

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