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Another productive yearof welding has endedLast year You, our customers,kept us very busy andthe volume of our sales increasedsignificantly. Nowit’s time to thank you forthe confidence that you’veshown in our products and servicesand to assure you that we will continueto do our utmost in order to serve youat the highest possible level.We’re currently ramping up the productionof several new products recentlyintroduced at the “Schweissen& Schneiden” Fair in Essen, Germany.We’re also implementing a brand newIT-system that will enable us to furtherimprove our 24 hour customer serviceand to increase our internal productivity.Productivity seems to be the commondenominator for marketing messagesof many welding companies today.This became obvious also in Essen.The traditional answers to productivitychallenges have concentrated aroundmechanisation, automation and robotics.These are all valid approaches and<strong>Kemppi</strong> wants to participate in theseprojects also in the future. In most cases,however, manual welding still remainsthe most important application.This is why concrete solutions for increasingthe productivity of manualwelding are now more than ever needed,especially in western economies.<strong>Kemppi</strong>’s answer is the “<strong>Kemppi</strong> ARCSystem” that provides a complete datacollection system, also in wirelessmode, and three steps for productivityimprovement:• Analysing the collected data andfinding the improvement areas• Refining the welding processes andwork flows accordingly• Controlling the whole operation onongoing basisThis approach requires a new level ofpartnership between <strong>Kemppi</strong> and ourcustomers. We are about to strengthenour own organisation accordingly.By using the latest technologies significantproductivity gains are possible,but only if both parties truly engagein the project and work hard. Afull project can typically last up to 2-3 years. Can you afford not to do it?Don’t hesitate to contact us for furtherinformation and an initial feasibilitystudy based on your situation andneeds.Finally, we would like to wish all ofour customers, employees and otherstakeholders a Prosperous New Yearof 2006!Anssi RantasaloManaging Director<strong>Kemppi</strong> Oy<strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong> 3

<strong>Kemppi</strong> Samba danced itsnew products to marketat the Schweissen & Schneidenexhibition in EssenThe Essen Schweissen & Schneiden exhibition, held in September 20<strong>05</strong> forthe sixteenth time, attracted more than 61,000 visitors over six days. The1,043 exhibitors came from 44 different countries. In general, there were fewnew products and welding technology innovations. The main theme for manyexhibitors was increasing productivity and quality. In the main, welding machinemanufacturers presented 1-3 new products. <strong>Kemppi</strong> was an exception: ourexhibition stand only presented new products. Many visitors wondered how thiswas possible.The small, compact 150A and 180AMIG welding machines, part of theMinarcMig Adaptive product family,enchanted the audience, and manycustomers immediately expressed interestin these handy machines. Adaptivecontrol of machines is uniquein the welding market today. AlsoMinarcTig 180, future addition tothe Minarc product family, received itsbaptism of fire at the exhibition. This180A TIG machine goes into productionin April 2006.The new 1-phase MasterTig MLS2300 ACDC was introduced for aluminiumTIG welding. This 230A machineis one of the most powerful machinesin the market for thicknesses upto 5 mm. Two panel options (ACS andACX) allow the users to select the us-4 <strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong>

er interface best suited to their needs.The ACX panel has a MIX TIG functionwhich makes it easier to weld thinand thick materials together.Essen also saw the launch of theKempact Pulse 2800 Automotive,the latest arrival in the Kempact family,aimed mostly at automotive repairshops. The machine comes preconfiguredwith all the synergic welding programmesneeded in car repair workwith different parent metals. The machine’sexcellent MIG brazing propertiesfulfill the demands of the automotiveindustry.The FastMig products representthe latest <strong>Kemppi</strong> technology forMIG machines for production welding.The machines attracted due interestat the exhibition where three Basicfamily power sources (300A, 400Aand 500A) and their wire feeder werepresented. Also on display were theSynergic family power sources (also300A, 400A and 500A) and three wirefeeder options with different panel options.The Basic family is intended forbasic MIG/MAG welding, while theSynergic family offers several additionalfunctions for demanding weldingand the option to use synergic 1-button control for different materials.The addition of the FastROOT programmeenables spatter-free MIG rootpass welding.<strong>Kemppi</strong> Arc System provided aforetaste of <strong>Kemppi</strong>’s solutions for increasingwelding productivity. Informationon welding and machine use- or the use of all company machines- is transferred wirelessly to, e.g., thewelding engineer’s computer. In manualwelding, 75 % of the total cost comprisesof labour costs. Even a small increasein productivity can substantiallylower the total cost. <strong>Kemppi</strong> Arc Systemis a package solution for improvingproductivity - more informationwill be forthcoming soon.<strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong> 5

<strong>Kemppi</strong> Samba danced...The “Arc Under Control” conceptis <strong>Kemppi</strong>’s product promise, whichwas announced to the world at Essenfor the first time. The “Arc UnderControl” tag, affixed to each and every<strong>Kemppi</strong> product, also guaranteesan uninterrupted arc, high productivityand high-quality weld for new products.100% <strong>Kemppi</strong> is a guarantee ofhigh quality embodied by both the arcand our products.Showmanship has always been part ofthe <strong>Kemppi</strong> tradition at the Essen exhibition,and this time was no exception.Brazilian samba beat the rhythmfor the launch of <strong>Kemppi</strong>’s new products.Our samba group’s performanceattracted a large audience who couldbrowse <strong>Kemppi</strong>’s products at our standafter the show. Before each dance performance,guests saw a <strong>Kemppi</strong> animationintroducing new products. We fullylived up to our motto: “<strong>Kemppi</strong> –The Joy of Welding”. The animation6 <strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong>

also included the answers to the exhibition’sguest quiz, whose main prizewas a trip for two to the ‘Sao Paolo2006 F1 Grand Prix’. This time fortunefavoured a visitor from Germany.Both the KempactMan and the <strong>Kemppi</strong>mountain bike received their shareof attention. The KempactMan mascottoured the exhibition halls and providedinformation about <strong>Kemppi</strong> in an entertainingway. The mountain bike wasrelated to the current exhibition campaignpackage, and bikes will be deliveredwith the Kempact Pulse 3000package all over the world. The sharpest<strong>Kemppi</strong>-watchers may run into<strong>Kemppi</strong> mountain bikes in Chile, perhaps,or China.Anyone passing or visiting the <strong>Kemppi</strong>Essen booth must have been surprisedat the crowd that surrounded our productsand staff. The warm atmosphereat the 300 square metre booth shimmeredin orange and white. The Essenexhibition is over for now, and the new<strong>Kemppi</strong> products are available for all.Hannu JokelaMarketing Director<strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong> 7

FastMig Synergic and pipe welding- quality root passThe welding industry aims to increaseproductivity without compromisingweld quality. At the same time,regulations usually increase thedemands on quality of work. Asdemands increase, so does interest inwelding processes and how to choosebetween them.The FastMig Synergic weldingmachine offers a high-quality solutionfor both root and fill-up pass weldingthanks to the FastROOT option.Current status of root pass weldingRoot pass welding is an essential partof pipe welding. Root pass weldingis done according to product requirementswithout backing rings with TIG,electrode or MIG/MAG. The latter useis limited by manual difficulty, risk oferror and spatter. Overhead and flatposition welding are particular problemspots. Various solutions exist toimprove the situation. A welding machinesolution is based on using shortarc welding and fine-tuning weldingparameters for the dip.Figure 1:Filler metaltransfer and arcignition aftertransfer onstainless steel.FastMig SynergicThe new FastMig Synergic weldingmachine provides an optimisedroot pass welding programme (Fast-ROOT) along with other MIG/MAGprocesses. When you acquire this option,the welding machine panel displaysa new option, FR-MIG.The FastROOT root pass weldingprocess directs the power and voltageparameters of the power source digitally.The welding process monitorsthe dip and correctly times the separationof the weld bead from the wireinto the weld pool. At the start of thedip, power is increased, and then decreasedslowly to the desired level. Atthe moment of bead separation, poweris decreased momentarily and broughtback up in a predetermined way, andthe arc ignites again. The shape of theFastROOTcurve makes bead separationand its transfer into the weld poolfree of disturbance and spatter on bothblack and stainless steel (figure 1).From the welder’s viewpoint, the arc iscontrolled and the filler metal is trans-Process Filler material Diameter [mm] Welding current[A]WIG <strong>EN</strong> 1668: W3Si1 2,4 125MMA <strong>EN</strong> 499: E 42 B 42 H5 2,5 70MIG/MAG <strong>EN</strong> 440: G42 2M G3Si1 1,0 107FR-MIG <strong>EN</strong> 440: G42 2M G3Si1 1,0 114Table 1:Filler metals and welding currents used in the tests.Process Length of weld [mm] Welding time[sec.]WIG DC- 80 140 34,3MMA 180 275 39,3MIG/MAG 200 1<strong>05</strong> 114,3FR-MIG 200 90 133,3Table 2:Welding speed comparison between processes.Welding speed[mm/min]According to process requirements,the electrode, TIG and MIG/MAGwelds were made from below andthe FR-MIG weld from above. Table2 presents the results. FR-MIG is thefastest way to weld the root pass. TIGand FR-MIG provided the best resultsfor welded layers. There was no needto machine both layers before the nextlayer.FR-MIG = FastROOT MIG8 <strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong>

The FastMig Synergic setup is best for root pass welding because:• it is faster and more productive than TIG welding• it is spatter-free• the same equipment can be used for root passes and fill-uppasses• provides easy welding and good shaping for root surface and root.• requires little machining• it is easy and therefore fast to use• enables welding in all positions. In addition, short or pulse arcs canbe used when welding from below.ferred into the weld pool. The welderwill find it easy to achieve desired rootpenetration and shape. The new rootpass welding process decreases spatter.As a result, the need for machiningis reduced to a fraction compared tonormal MIG/MAG welding (figure 2).Figure 2:The root pass,seen from theroot (left) andtop (right).Parent metal isstainless steel.Benefits of FastMig SynergicThe biggest benefit brought by theMIG process is its productivity comparedto MMA and TIG welding. Toverify this, the welding speed of theFastROOT process was comparedwith MMA, TIG and normal MIG/MAG. The parent metal was S235 10mm steel. Welds were made in a singleV-groove with a root opening of 2…4mm depending on the process. Table1 presents the filler metals, diametersand welding currents used. TIG usedargon and MIG/MAG used Ar+18CO 2as shielding gas.Jyri UusitaloWelding Engineer<strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong> 9

An easier way<strong>Kemppi</strong>’s new MinarcMig Adaptive makeswelding easier than ever. The adaptive controlkeeps parameters right according to theselected plate thickness. This makesthe portable and user-friendly MinarcMigthe right choice for a wide range ofapplications – for professional andamateur welders alike.MinarcMigAdaptive 150 and 180User-friendly MIG welder.Just three steps and you are ready to go.1. Turn on the MinarcMig2. Select the material thickness3. Weld10 <strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong>Connection voltage 1~230 V +-15 %Loading capacity 35 % ED 150 A for Fe, Fc25 % ED 180 A for Fe, Fc, SS, AlConnection capacity Max. 8.6 kVAFuse 16 ADimensions 400 x 180 x 340 mmWeight under 10 kgwww.kemppi.com

A new addition to theMinarc family– MinarcMig Adaptive 150The Minarc product family, launched in2001, received a new addition with thelaunch of the MinarcMig Adaptive150 last August. This is a small, light(only 9.4 kg) MIG welding machinewith adaptive controls. Based on thesame technical solution as its highquality,efficient brother Minarc 150MMA welding machine, MinarcMigAdaptive 150 is the smallest andlightest MIG welding machine on themarket.MinarcMig Adaptive 150 can use a200 mm filler wire spool. The deliveredpackage includes a ready mountedthree-metre welding gun and earthcable, making it a ready to use, flexibleand compact package. The machinecan be connected to a 230 V singlephase network and is also suitablefor use with a generator (min. 6.5kVA). MinarcMig Adaptive 150works impeccably with power connectioncable lengths up to 50 metres(min. 3 x 2.5mm² cable). The materialthickness control on the machine’s userinterface panel makes it easy to adjustthe welding parameters. No moreseparate adjustment of voltage andwire feed speed - the values can be adjustedwith a single control. Polarityreversingmakes the machine suited alsofor gasless wire welding.These unique properties convincedSchönauer Schulmöbelfabrik und MetallwarenW.L. Mannschott GmbH &Co to give MinarcMig Adaptive 150a try. The company manufactures andinstalls lecture hall furnishings for institutes,schools, universities and similarcustomers.Chair frames were formerly installedusing electrode welding, because installationwas performed partially betweenchair rows preventing the useof large MIG welding machines. MinarcMigAdaptive 150 removed thisproblem and in future, frame installationwill be much faster and more flexible.The customer has several installationcrews and after their experiences withMinarcMig Adaptive 150 wants toacquire one for each crew. The usersand the company agree: “MinarcMig150 Adaptive benefits everyone.”Wolfgang ZahnProweld - Mannheim<strong>Kemppi</strong> GmbH retailerHolger Hartmann<strong>Kemppi</strong> GmbHFurniture frame being welded usingMinarcMig Adaptive 150* Adaptive control• Just select material thickness andstart welding.• The short circuit recognises thewelding metal.• Arc properties are formedautomatically through wirethickness and the shielding gas.<strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong> 11

For more information aboutMinarcMig 150 Adaptive,please contact your nearestdealer or visit www.kemppi.com.12 <strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong>

MinarcMig Adaptive 150 hasfulfilled expectationsThe <strong>Kemppi</strong> MinarcMig Adaptive150 is a new product that makeswelding overwhelmingly easier. Theease of use, lightness and mobility ofthis ‘everyman’s’ welding machineare in a class of their own, makingit highly suitable for many differentpurposes: installation, automotive andother repair, maintenance, outfittingand service work, production weldingof thin plate, and for hobby use.Five users share their fresh experiencesof MinarcMig Adaptive 150. Allagree that the machine has fulfilledexpectations.Easy to transport and comfortable tohandle“Considering its size, this machineis powerful and has great features,”says Pekka Jäkärä from Ylöjärvi. TheKuljetus Jäkärä Oy transportationcompany acquired the MinarcMigAdaptive 150 mainly for welding thinsheet metal and light metal structures.The company’s repair shop also performswork for external customers.“Minarc is small and easy to transportwherever needed. It is also comfortableto handle. For a light duty machine,it provides excellent weldingfeatures.”Pekka Jäkärä’s experience with <strong>Kemppi</strong>’swelding equipment goes back tohis vocational school. “If the machinecan take classroom use, it can take anything,”the teacher assured them.“He was absolutely right. We havefive <strong>Kemppi</strong> machines, and not one ofthem has caused any trouble.”The idea behind the machineRisto Tervonen from Kajaani waslooking for a welding machine forcar repair work, like engine, exhaustpipe and trailer repair. A friend withlong-term welding experience gothim interested in the new <strong>Kemppi</strong>machine.“I read about the machine on the Internetand I thought it might suit me,”Risto Tervonen adds. He has onlyhad time to experiment with Minarc’sproperties, but he is already convincedthat the machine is excellent.“I tried to plug weld some holes boredinto a square steel girder, because Ihave a similar project coming up witha trailer. I also tested the machinewelding an exhaust pipe. The machineseems to be working well!”Arc burns steadily“The best thing about this machineis its arc, the way it ignites and burnssteadily,” says Harri Nieminen fromKainuun Käyttörauta Oy after a week’sexperience. Other interesting, soonto-be-testedfeatures of MinarcMigAdaptive 150 include its mobility.“We use <strong>Kemppi</strong> machines for otherwelding, too, and we have no complaintsat all.”The light machine is easilyportableJari Laikko has tested Minarc in hisspare time, building tubular fencing.In the future, the machine will alsoserve the needs of the Konepaja LaikkoOy machine shop in Tampere.“We looked for an easily portable,lightweight welding machine. I foundMinarcMig on the <strong>Kemppi</strong> website,and it fulfilled our requirements.”Suitable for hobby usePauli Keihäskoski from Kestilä learnedhow to use MinarcMig Adaptivewhen welding the underside of a car.“I’m really happy. I’d never used amachine like this, so it’s been learningprocess.”Pauli Keihäskoski acquired a weldingmachine for hobby use. As a wellknownbrand, <strong>Kemppi</strong> is a self-evidentchoice. The small and light MinarcMiganswered all his needs. ‘It’sreally easy to use’!Pirjo Pöllänen<strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong> 13

High-speed cameraassists in researchThe previous Pronews (2/20<strong>05</strong>)already shed some light on using ahigh-speed camera to monitor thearc in <strong>Kemppi</strong> welding research. Thesystem produces sharp, descriptiveimages of the behaviour of thewelding arc and the filler metal duringwelding.Arc types and material transfer inimagesArc type research discovers theoreticalforms of filler metal transfer. Themetal transfer may be globular, recoiling,directed, spraying, turbulent,explosive or short circuiting. Figure1 presents different types of materialtransfer photographed with a highspeedcamera.In addition to types of material transferpredicted by theory, various phenomenacan be observed which have seldombeen available for investigation- or which have not been suspected atall. For example, in the spray arc area,a large bead may form at the tip of thefiller wire (figure 2), implode quicklyafter its formation and be transferredinto the weld pool. The event is likeinflating and deflating a paper bag bybreathing into it. However, this is differentfrom explosive material transferwhere a large bead shatters and istransferred into the weld pool as smalldroplets.The challenge of interpreting resultsArc properties will reflect any changesmade to the production process madeon the basis of high-speed camera images.The arc reveals if the changeswere steps in the right direction. Inaddition to welding power source development,high-speed cameras havebeen used to investigate different arctypes. The results have been illustra-a) b) c) d)e) f) g)Figure 1.Material transfer:a) globular,b) recoiling,c) directed,d) spraying,e) turbulent,f) explosive andg) short circuiting© <strong>Kemppi</strong> OyFigure 2.A bead forms at the tip of thefiller rod in the spray arc areaFigure 3.Small, loose particles on themetal surface, hard to seewith the naked eye. Short arcprocess in the short circuitphase.Figure 4.Percussion testing thedurability of the powersource grid14 <strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong>

A workpiece being welded using Kempact MIG 2520tive and exciting.The high-speed camera’s sharp imagesoften reveal surprises invisible tothe naked eye. Sometimes small, looseparticles are visible on the metal surface(see figure 3). The filler wire diameter,in this case 1.0 mm, providesa good scale to estimate the size of theparticles.Other uses for high-speed camerasIn addition to arc and material transferresearch, high-speed cameras areused for structural investigations. Itcan show, for example, percussion andtensile tests. This provides new informationon how structures react to usageconditions. The events usuallytake place so quickly that high-speedcamera technology is required to viewthem. In figure 4, the durability of awelding power source grid under ablow is being investigated.Jyri UusitaloWelding EngineerKempact MIG– investing in theshipbuilding industryThe Kempact MIG compact serieswill gradually replace tack weldingby MMA in shipbuilding. The machineweighs only 17.5 kg (KempactMIG 2520). Its mobility makes it anexcellent welding machine for tackand outfitting welding at shipyards,for schools and for small partmanufacturing.Kempact MIG is easy to use. Thelarge voltage and wire feed controlsmake welding parameter optimisationeasy and accurate.Regardless of whether mixed gas orCO2 is used, the step-less dynamicscontrol enables optimal arc properties.Automatic ‘ball removal’ of the wireend, reliable and even wire feed speedguarantee that the next ignition is successful,even with long welding guncable lengths.The Kempact MIG welding machineis also suited for outdoor repairwelding. The polarity can be reversedfor use with gasless wires, and the machinecan easily be powered from mobilepower generators.Alfred Dreger<strong>Kemppi</strong> GmbHThe efficient compact machine has ahigh load capacity<strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong> 15

New featuresfor MasterTig MLS 2300 ACDCQuick Spot settings on the ACX panelSheets tacked with ‘Quick Spot’ withpieces affixed to the sheetIncluding familiar MasterTig specialfunctions, the new MasterTig MLS2300 AC/DC power source containstwo new features: Quick Spot weldingand MIX TIG.Quick SpotThe Quick Spot method allows tackingthin objects with minimum heatproduction. It is best suited for austenitestainless and black steels, but othermaterials are also possible. Steel materialthicknesses range between 0.5–2.0mm and the method can handle practicallyall joint types, including abutting,strip and overlapping joints. To beginwith, select the CONTACT and SPOTposition on the ACX panel. SettingSPOT time for 0.0 will cause the LEDto start blinking. Set the power to maximum(230A). No special equipment isrequired. The electrode must be sharpand stick out 10–15 mm from the gasnozzle. The technique is easy, similarto regular contact ignition. Press theelectrode onto the work piece, pull thetrigger, and then remove the electrode/torch. Joining happens by giving ahigh-power pulse. The current is 230Aand 10–50 m/s, depending on materialthickness. Because the electrode is incontact with the work piece at the start,the arc focuses very closely on the spotbeing welded. This causes the spot toweld tightly even on low power. Thisbrings several benefits: even thin piecesare hardly distorted at all due to lowheat input, and welding is easier withno saw set or variable root opening.The method can also be employed toattach small pieces, such as nuts orhandles to plate. The low heat generationdoes not damage the thread of thenut, yet affixes it tightly to the workpiece.2 mm and 6 mm sheets joined usingMIX TIG.MIX TIG current16 <strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong>

MIX TIGMIX TIG is another new feature. MIXTIG alternates between AC and DCcurrents. Welding resembles pulsewelding and can further improve weldingquality. The method is best suitedfor joining together aluminium piecesof different thicknesses. Our examplejoins 2 mm and 6 mm aluminiumsheets using an overlapping joint. UseMIX TIG to achieve a smaller designthroat thickness than with regular orpulse AC welding. Other applicationsinclude cases where AC pulse weldingis normally used, such as overlappingjoints or position welding. In manycases, MIX TIG improves weld poolcontrol and increases welding speed.The control parameters are cyclelength, AC/DC ratio and AC/DC timeratio. The method is fairly new, so userexperiences have yet to accumulate.To bring out the full user benefits, thefeature requires further use, interestand research.Tapani DahlströmWelding EngineerJouko <strong>Kemppi</strong> - Finland’sbusinessman of the year 20<strong>05</strong>Jouko <strong>Kemppi</strong> (59), Chairman of<strong>Kemppi</strong> OY, a family run business inLahti (Southern Finland), is Finland’sBusinessman of the Year for 20<strong>05</strong>.The award is made annually by theBusinessman Association of Finlandtogether with the Editor in Chiefof Talouselämä, Finland’s leadingFinancial journal. One criterion statesPictures: Juha Tanhuathat it is awarded to the businessman,who has for several years runa successful company showingentrepreneurial skills.Jouko <strong>Kemppi</strong> has worked for the improvementof welding machines forover four decades. The growth for theyoung entrepreneurial Jouko <strong>Kemppi</strong>started after the World War II, when hisfather Martti <strong>Kemppi</strong> took Jouko withhim to buy welding materials. Jouko’sfirst work assignments at <strong>Kemppi</strong> includedsoldering cable shoes for weldingcable and many other basic factorytasks. Later Jouko became managingdirector of <strong>Kemppi</strong> from 1980until 2001. This award is an importantrecognition for Jouko’s father thelate Martti <strong>Kemppi</strong>, our staff and the<strong>Kemppi</strong> Family’s entrepreneurship.<strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong> 17

Freedom of choiceChoose AC or DC for demanding applications – or acombination of the two: MIX TIG. The lightweight andpowerful MasterTig can even weld 5 mm aluminium andcomes with two control panel alternatives, dependingon the application and user needs.FastMigSynergicMasterTig MLS2300 ACDCSingle phase welding machine forheavy-duty use; up to 5 mm aluminium.Includes PFC and two control panelalternatives, ACS and ACX.Connection voltage 1~230 V -+15 %Rated power 40 % ED 230 AConnection capacity Max. 5.7 kVAFuse 16 ADimensions 430 x 180 x 390 mmWeight 15 kgwww.kemppi.com

Success stories from Eastern Europe– Kempact Pulse 3000Kempact Pulse 3000 weldingmachine was launched at the endof 2004. This compact pulse MIGmachine has several customerbenefits including lightweight, qualitywelding characteristics and a goodrange of preset programmes for thepopular wires and gases. The designof this machine is a combination ofthe latest technology and customersuser experiences. Kempact Pulse3000 has been presented in severalwelding exhibitions this year and ithas been especially successful inEastern Europe.HungaryKempact Pulse 3000 won the GrandPrix of Mach-Tech 20<strong>05</strong> prize at theMACH-TECH 20<strong>05</strong> exhibition, heldon the 19.–22.4.20<strong>05</strong> in Hungary. Theprize and diploma was given out to‘Invent Welding Ltd’, <strong>Kemppi</strong>’s Hungariandealer, who presented the machineat the fair.SlovakiaInternational Engineering Fair, heldon the 24–27 May 20<strong>05</strong>, is the biggestand the most significant exhibitionof its kind in Slovakia. The fairwas held already for the 12th time andit was divided into 23 thematic exhibitions,one of which was EUROWELD-ING 20<strong>05</strong>. Traditionally organisers ofthe fair declare the “Award of the fair”which this year was given to seven ofthe 37 registered exhibitors. The awardof EUROWELDING 20<strong>05</strong> was grantedto the Kempact Pulse 3000 weldingmachine. This MIG/MAG inverterwas exhibited by company VAWWelding, <strong>Kemppi</strong>’s Slovakian dealer.This unique power source convincedthe fair audience not only because ofits light weight and compact design butalso for its amazing welding performanceand truly excellent features.Serbia and Montenegro<strong>Kemppi</strong> participated in “The best weldingmachine” competition with KempactPulse 3000 at the welding fairin Belgrade on the 4.–7.10.20<strong>05</strong>. Thejury - Professors Mr. Sedmak and Mr.Blecic from the Technical Universitiesof Serbia and Montenegro and Mr.Grabulov from the Serbian WeldingAssociation - awarded the first prize to<strong>Kemppi</strong> welding machine. The prize“Zlatni Zavar” means ‘Golden weld’and it was given out in the seminar organisedby the Serbian Welding Associationon the 6th October.For more information please contactyour local dealer or visitwww.kemppi.com.Serbia: From the left Mr Zlavko Momćilović andMr Branko Zrilić, personnel of <strong>Kemppi</strong>’s Serbiandealer, Area Sales Manager Mrs Saila Lehtomäkifrom <strong>Kemppi</strong> in Finland, Mr Bob Prohaska fromEmbassy of Finland in Belgrade, Mr Dragan Krstićof the company KMD and welding demonstratorMr Milan RadosavljevicSlovakia: From the left Mr Peter Fodrek, PhD., fromthe company PZ a.s. and Mr Ivan Vallo, ManagingDirector of VAW Welding s.r.o., Slovakian dealer of<strong>Kemppi</strong>Hungary: Kempact Pulse 3000 weldingmachine, which won the Grand Prix ofMach-Tech 20<strong>05</strong> prize.Hungary: Mrs RADVÁNYI, Zoltánné,director of Invent Welding Ltd.,receives the Grand Prix.Slovakia: Fair prize<strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong> 19

Picture: Motoman20 <strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong>

Robotic arc welding todayOver the past few years, weldingautomation has become even moreinviting and profitable, thanks todevelopments in welding equipment,parent materials, labour costs androbotics.Index 1990 = 1001801601401201008060Example: Great BritainLabour costsRobot costs, excluding performanceThe greatest factor that is advancingwelding automation is the ratio betweenthe prices of labour hours anda robot. According to statistics collectedby the United Nations (UN) and theInternational Federation of Robotics(IFR), the price of labour hours comparedto the price of a robot has multipliedover the past 15 years. The statisticscite the 1990 labour hour / robotprice ratio as 100. The index has developedslightly differently in differentcountries, but the numerical values oftoday’s ratios, especially in the industrialisedWestern Europe, are far apart.For example, in Great Britain the indexfigure for a labour hour was 170 inthe latest analysis, whereas the correspondingfigure for a robot was 42.Theoretically this means that an investmentthat was made in 1990 andthat was covered by saved labour costswould now pay for four robots. However,in practice things are slightly different,because the costs of the peripheralsused in welding applicationsas well as installation and programmingcosts have developed differently.However, this has been such a powerfultrend that many investments thatwere formerly estimated not to be profitablehave now proved to be so.40200Robot costs, including performance1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002Development index for robot and labour costs, IFRThe developments in robotics have ofcourse not been limited to price. Technologicalbreakthroughs have beenseen year after year. Over the past tenyears, as the price tag on a robot hasdropped more than 40 %, the numberof systems delivered has multiplied almost8-fold. The past ten years haveseen increased processing capacities,improved accuracy, increased speedand better reliability in robots. Theseadvances in all fields decrease the riskof investment and makes investingmore attractive. This further lowersthe robot cost index. According to theIFR statistics, if the developments inrobot features are taken into account,the robot cost index sinks down almostto 20.The other welding system key component,welding equipment, has also developedenormously in ten years. Tenyears ago, it was common practice tokeep the old welding device and processwhen switching from manual torobotic welding . Often this resultedin leaving out some welding featuresin robotic welding because the robotcould not control all the weldingequipment features.Welding cables pass through therobotic arm - MotomanToday, robotic welding is much moreadvanced and places stringent requirementson the welding equipment. Thewelding process also sees some changes:it takes full advantage of its freedomfrom human and physiologicalconstraints. Leaving any features outof robotic welding due to control problemsis also out of the question. The developmentof welding equipment anddemands is crystallised by observingten-year-old a robotic station whosewelding equipment and programmeshave not been overhauled in that time.Almost without exception, productivitycan be boosted by 10–30% ormore by upgrading to modern weldingequipment and increasing power.<strong>Kemppi</strong> <strong>ProNews</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong> 21

Robotic arc welding today...Existing welding equipment is oftenupgraded on grounds other than productivity.Welding equipment is replacedwhen new parent materials enterthe picture, and the new materials,which may be thinner or more noble,require new capabilities from the device.Pulse welding, double pulse orarc welding are examples of situationswhere outdated welding equipment isunequal to the challenges of today.But monitoring productivity, qualityand reliability at regular intervals paysoff. Significant improvements can beachieved with small investments innew technology, and the investmentswill soon pay for themselves. With respectto arc welding, the situation isgood in that robots became advancedenough to handle arc welding alreadyin the early 1990s. In most cases, theseproperties suffice even today withoutnew features that have entered the fieldafterwards. Although new features seldomhurt!The Essen international welding exhibitionlast September was a sedate affairwhere arc welding robotics wasconcerned. No new, significant innovationswere presented, unless robotmodels specifically designed for arcwelding, launched into the Europeanmarket over the past year, be consideredas such. These robots featurewelding cables that run through the roboticarm, which must increase reliabilitybecause the cables are as shortas possible and the arm protects themfrom mechanical knocks. Another typeof launch that may be considered significantfor robotic welding is the introductionof welding process and equipmentmonitoring systems, such as<strong>Kemppi</strong> Arc System. With advancedmonitoring and diagnostics, equipmentstatus can be monitored more accuratelyand preventative maintenancecan be timed more correctly. This ensuresuninterrupted, efficient production.Mikko VeikkolainenCustomer Service ManagerProduct Manager, Robotics<strong>EN</strong> 3 • 20<strong>05</strong>THANK YOU, I would like to receive Pronews FREE OF CHARGEAt my work place At my home addressCompany/ organisation: _________________________________________________________________________________________Name of subscriber: ___________________________________Position in company/ organisation: _______________________________Street address/ P. O. Box: ________________________________________________________________________________________Zip code/ Post code: ___________________________________Post offi ce: ________________________________________________Country: ___________________________________________Telephone at work: ___________________________________________Date: ______________________________________________Signature: _________________________________________________CHANGE OF ADDRESSName of subscriber: ____________________________________________________________________________________________Company/ organisation: _________________________________________________________________________________________Previous address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________New street address: ___________________________________New post offi ce: _____________________________________________Country: ___________________________________________Date:_____________________________________________________Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Please fax the service card to: +358-3-899428

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Make bigger,faster andbetterwww.kemppi.comA megaton of steel, a thousand miles of welding seam, a hundredthousand working hours. With <strong>Kemppi</strong> each seam can be done betterand faster. The more you make, the more you save.<strong>Kemppi</strong> – superior welding productivity.For more information, please contact your <strong>Kemppi</strong> dealeror visit www.kemppi.com

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