CERES Requirements Log - TISA Averaging

CERES Requirements Log - TISA Averaging CERES Requirements Log - TISA Averaging

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CERES Requirements Log - TISA AveragingReqm'tsNo.Requirement SCCR ProviderResponsibleSubsystemResponsiblePersonHow was itconveyed?When was itreceived?When was itaccepted?When was itcompleted?Current Status8-128-13SCIENCE: Add the satellite emulateduntuned and tuned TOA WN fluxesSCIENCE: Change the average of cloudparameters to include cloud fraction639 Dave Doelling TISAAveragingSubsystem 8639 Dave Doelling TISAAveragingSubsystem 8Cathy Nguyen Meetings 10/16/06 10/16/06 10/20/06 In validationCathy Nguyen Meetings 10/10/06 10/11/06 10/18/06 In validation8-148-158-168-17SCIENCE: New PGE CER8.2P1 deliveryto create web plots for SYN productNon-SCIENCE: Updated the readsoftwarepackage to reflect the new structures inthe SYN, AVG and ZAVG products viaSCCR 639SCIENCE:Add the twilight flux to theobserved SW all-sky monthly meanregional flux and to the tuned TOA level 1all-sky SW fluxSCIENCE: Add the clear-sky twilight fluxtable. Use the clear-sky twilight flux to addto the observed SW clear-sky monthlymean flux and to the tuned TOA level 1clear-sky SW flux639 Dave Doelling TISAAveragingSubsystem 8649 Dave Doelling TISAAveragingSubsystem 8667 Dave Doelling TISAAveraging667 Dave Doelling TISAAveragingRaju,Flug,NguyenEmail 10/18/06 10/18/06 02/15/07 CompleteNguyen Phone calls 03/15/07 03/15/07 03/19/07 CompleteCathy Nguyen Email 01/09/08 01/15/08 01/16/08 CompleteCathy Nguyen Email 01/09/08 01/15/08 01/17/08 Complete8-188-19SCIENCE: Add three new parameters:Total-sky UVB surface flux up, snow grainsize, match total aerosol optical depth at0.55 umSCIENCE: Remove all clear-sky LW andSW fluxes that were added to the TSI sothat the clear-sky and all-sky wereidentical when the cloud amount was zero.667 Dave Doelling TISAAveraging667 Dave Doelling TISAAveragingCathy Nguyen Phone call 01/03/08 01/04/08 01/04/08 CompleteCathy Nguyen Email 01/09/08 01/15/08 01/17/08 Complete8-20SCIENCE: Linearly interpolate the zonalmonthly clear-sky LW fluxes667 Dave Doelling TISAAveragingCathy Nguyen Email 01/18/08 01/18/08 01/22/08 In Validation8-218-22SCIENCE: Use the incoming solar andthe zonal monthly SW fluxes to interpolatethe default zonal monthly SW fluxes.SCIENCE: Change parameter names tomatch with the names in DPC667 Dave Doelling TISAAveraging667 Cathy Nguyen TISAAveragingCathy Nguyen Email 01/18/08 01/18/08 01/22/08 In validationCathy Nguyen Self 01/23/08 01/23/08 01/23/08 Complete8-23non-SCIENCE: Modify code to run on IBMcluster667 Cathy Nguyen TISAAveragingCathy Nguyen Self 01/02/08 01/02/08 01/02/08 CompleteTISAavg_req_log_V11 Page 4 3/6/2012

CERES Requirements Log - TISA AveragingReqm'tsNo.Requirement SCCR ProviderResponsibleSubsystemResponsiblePersonHow was itconveyed?When was itreceived?When was itaccepted?When was itcompleted?Current Status8-248-25SCIENCE: For regions with one clear-skyTOA SW flux a day or less than 20observations per month, the clear-sky TOASW fluxes of the month are made to bedefaultsSCIENCE: Correct the 3-hourly averagesof the PAR and UVA, UVB fluxes667 Dave Doelling TISAAveraging667 Dave Doelling TISAAveragingCathy Nguyen Email 02/15/08 02/15/08 02/15/08 CompleteCathy Nguyen Email 4/4/2008 4/4/2008 4/4/2008 Complete8-268-278-288-298-30NON-SCIENCE: Deliver code to AMI-Pbased on Magneto code with the removalof ss7 and 10 specific code, add rangechecks and improved performance.NON-SCIENCE: Change the organizationof the HDF output files from space-time totime-space. Files AVG and ZAVG havebeen replaced with CER_SYN1deg-Monthand CER_SYN1deg-M3HourNON-SCIENCE: Deliver code to follow theCERES_BB_10-1 requirements for SGEexecution and naming conventions.SCIENCE: Correct the parameter valuesfor: Untuned Clear Sky Longwave Up,Untuned Clear Sky Window Up, Meancloud visible optical depth-adjusted, Meancloud fractional area-adjusted, mean cloudeffective Temperature-adjusted.795 Dave Doelling TISAAveraging795 Dave Doelling TISAAveraging795 Dave Doelling TISAAveraging795 Dave Doelling TISAAveragingNON-SCIENCE: Update SGE script 885 Dave Doelling TISAAveragingBetty Lock Email 11/18/2010 11/18/2010 11/18/2010 CompleteBetty Lock Email 11/18/2010 11/18/2010 11/18/2010 CompleteBetty Lock Email 11/18/2010 11/18/2010 11/18/2010 CompleteBetty Lock Email 11/18/2010 11/18/2010 11/18/2010 CompleteBetty Lock Email 2/29/2012 2/29/2012 2/29/2012TISAavg_req_log_V11 Page 5 3/6/2012

<strong>CERES</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong> <strong>Log</strong> - <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Averaging</strong>Reqm'tsNo.Requirement SCCR ProviderResponsibleSubsystemResponsiblePersonHow was itconveyed?When was itreceived?When was itaccepted?When was itcompleted?Current Status8-128-13SCIENCE: Add the satellite emulateduntuned and tuned TOA WN fluxesSCIENCE: Change the average of cloudparameters to include cloud fraction639 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>Subsystem 8639 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>Subsystem 8Cathy Nguyen Meetings 10/16/06 10/16/06 10/20/06 In validationCathy Nguyen Meetings 10/10/06 10/11/06 10/18/06 In validation8-148-158-168-17SCIENCE: New PGE CER8.2P1 deliveryto create web plots for SYN productNon-SCIENCE: Updated the readsoftwarepackage to reflect the new structures inthe SYN, AVG and ZAVG products viaSCCR 639SCIENCE:Add the twilight flux to theobserved SW all-sky monthly meanregional flux and to the tuned TOA level 1all-sky SW fluxSCIENCE: Add the clear-sky twilight fluxtable. Use the clear-sky twilight flux to addto the observed SW clear-sky monthlymean flux and to the tuned TOA level 1clear-sky SW flux639 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>Subsystem 8649 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>Subsystem 8667 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>667 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>Raju,Flug,NguyenEmail 10/18/06 10/18/06 02/15/07 CompleteNguyen Phone calls 03/15/07 03/15/07 03/19/07 CompleteCathy Nguyen Email 01/09/08 01/15/08 01/16/08 CompleteCathy Nguyen Email 01/09/08 01/15/08 01/17/08 Complete8-188-19SCIENCE: Add three new parameters:Total-sky UVB surface flux up, snow grainsize, match total aerosol optical depth at0.55 umSCIENCE: Remove all clear-sky LW andSW fluxes that were added to the TSI sothat the clear-sky and all-sky wereidentical when the cloud amount was zero.667 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>667 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>Cathy Nguyen Phone call 01/03/08 01/04/08 01/04/08 CompleteCathy Nguyen Email 01/09/08 01/15/08 01/17/08 Complete8-20SCIENCE: Linearly interpolate the zonalmonthly clear-sky LW fluxes667 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>Cathy Nguyen Email 01/18/08 01/18/08 01/22/08 In Validation8-218-22SCIENCE: Use the incoming solar andthe zonal monthly SW fluxes to interpolatethe default zonal monthly SW fluxes.SCIENCE: Change parameter names tomatch with the names in DPC667 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>667 Cathy Nguyen <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>Cathy Nguyen Email 01/18/08 01/18/08 01/22/08 In validationCathy Nguyen Self 01/23/08 01/23/08 01/23/08 Complete8-23non-SCIENCE: Modify code to run on IBMcluster667 Cathy Nguyen <strong>TISA</strong><strong>Averaging</strong>Cathy Nguyen Self 01/02/08 01/02/08 01/02/08 Complete<strong>TISA</strong>avg_req_log_V11 Page 4 3/6/2012

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