Spotlight On Seniors, Fall 2012 - Dutchess County

Spotlight On Seniors, Fall 2012 - Dutchess County

Spotlight On Seniors, Fall 2012 - Dutchess County


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SPOTLIGHTON SENIORSA Publication of the <strong>Dutchess</strong> <strong>County</strong> Division of Aging Services <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Fall</strong>PreventionNo, we’re not trying to prevent the <strong>Fall</strong>season, we just want to remind you to takethe steps necessary to avoid falling. <strong>Fall</strong>sare the leading cause of injury and injuryrelateddeaths among the elderly.Most falls can be prevented with fourkey steps: exercise, a doctor review of yourmedications for side effects, an annual eyeexam, and the reduction of fall hazards inyour home.The Division of Aging Services offersa free Senior Exercise Program and thereis a class not far from you. The programis specifi cally designed to help strengthenyour leg muscles and improve your balance.To learn more, call our offi ce at 486-2555.Next time you see your doctor, askhim to look over ALL of the medications youare taking for any that may affect balance.If it has been longer than a year sinceyou have seen the eye doctor, make anappointment today.Check out the list on page 4 to see ifthere are fall hazards in your home.Mary Kaye DolanActing CommissionerDear Friends,A Message from<strong>County</strong> ExecutiveMarcus J. MolinaroWhat a pleasure it was to host thethousands of seniors who came out to one ofour ten Senior Picnics this summer! We aregrateful to the many sponsors and municipalitieswho who partnered with us to support thesesuccessful events.A special thank you to CDPHP, TollBrothers, the <strong>Dutchess</strong> <strong>County</strong> Department ofSocial Services - Protective Services for Adultsand Wingate Healthcare for sponsoring ALL ofthe picnics as well as the volunteers who assistus in serving chicken, setting up tables andchairs and the clean-up afterwards.I hope to see many of you at the SeniorProm coming up on October 15th at the VillaBorghese in Wappinger. Early bird tickets arenow available and you’ll fi nd a registration formon page 5 of this issue!Sincerely,Marcus J. Molinaro<strong>Dutchess</strong> <strong>County</strong> ExecutiveMarcus J. Molinaro<strong>County</strong> Executive

PAGE 2I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOWA study published in the Journal of theAmerican Medical Association found elderlypeople who had cataracts removed had farfewer hip fractures in the fi rst year. Thestudy concluded that cataract surgery maysignifi cantly enhance the quality of life forpatients through improved sleep, curbingdepression and better social engagement.SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUTThe Division of Aging Services has speakersavailable to talk to your group or organizationabout the services we offer to the elderly.To schedule a speaker, call 486-2555.HARDEN MY HEARTAccording to a study in London, reported inthe journal Atherosclerosis, eating egg yolksis almost as bad as smoking for your arteries.The high cholesterol in egg yolks leads toa build-up of carotid plaque, a major riskfactor for stroke and heart attack. If you areat risk for coronary artery disease, the studyrecommends avoiding egg yolk altogether.If you are not at risk, keep your egg yolkconsumption below two per week and yourrisk level will not increase dramatically.LEAN ON MEIf you’re at least 55 years old, have a givingheart, and are able to volunteer for 15-40hours a week, you might be eligible to becomea Senior Companion to a developmentallydisabled adult. With your help they’ll beable to live more independently and havemore socialization opportunities. SeniorCompanions can earn a tax free stipend aswell as paid sick and vacation time and otherbenefi ts. To fi nd out more about the SeniorCompanion Program, please call Joan Prattat (845) 877-6821 ext. 3987.I’M WALKIN’The Division of Aging Services’ Senior RailTrail Walkers are always looking for newmembers and volunteer co-leaders. Theeasy-paced walk or bike ride lasts aboutone hour. All ages are invited to join thegroup and no pre-registration is required!Call the Division of Aging Services for moreinformation at 486-2555. The <strong>Fall</strong> is the besttime to explore the Rail Trail!HARD HABIT TO BREAKA study in the Journals of Gerontology foundonly 19% of senior smokers diagnosedwith lung cancer quit smoking. In fact, thelarge majority of older adults with chronicconditions do not adopt healthier behaviorslike regular exercise, improved diet orcontrolling alcohol intake after learning oftheir disease.STAIRWAY TO HEAVENMartha had just celebrated her 100thbirthday and was still making it to servicesevery week. Her pastor said to her: “Nowthat you’ve hit 100, you really need tostart thinking about the hereafter.” Marthareplied: “I think about the hereafter everyday. Where ever I go, upstairs, downstairs,in the basement, even in the bathroom, Ialways stop and think, now what am I hereafter?”

MEDICAREOpen Enrollment10/15 - 12/7The Medicare Open Enrollment periodthis year begins October 15th. Be sureyou’re ready for any changes you want tomake by scheduling a free annual HealthInsurance Check-Up.<strong>On</strong>e of the Division of Aging Servicestrained volunteer counselors with the HealthInsurance Information, Counseling andAssistance Program (HIICAP) can meetwith you and go over your options.Appointments will be available anytime during the Open Enrollment period, butremember, after December 7th, it’s too late.From theDirector’s ChairMary Kaye Dolanmdolan@dutchessny.govDear Friends,PAGE 3The Division of Aging Services willbe holding our annual Public Hearings tohelp us understand your concerns and hearyour opinions and feedback on our currentservices. Please plan to join us at thePublic Hearing near you:Tuesday, September 25th 11:00 AMFirst Presbyterian Church229 South Amenia Rd., South AmeniaThursday, October 2nd 11:00 AMChurch of the Good Shepherd3 Mulberry Street, RhinebeckThursday, October 4th 11:00 AMForrestal Heights Apartments1 Forrestal Heights, BeaconHIICAP Insurance Counselor Ed Towsley listensas client Marjorie Hyatt explains her current healthinsurance situation.Call for your appointment today!The Division of Aging Services’Health Insurance Information,Counseling and AssistanceProgram (HIICAP)(845) 486-2555 or1(800) 701-0501If you are unable to attend oneof the Public Hearings, you can mailwritten comments to the <strong>Dutchess</strong> <strong>County</strong>Division of Aging Services, 27 High Street,Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. You can alsoemail comments to:agingservices@dutchessny.govSincerely,Mary Kaye Dolan, Acting CommissionerDepartment of S.A.V.Y.

PAGE 4AVOIDING FALLS THIS FALLThere are falling hazards in just about every room in your home. Take a look around yourhome and see how safe you are:+ Do you use throw rugs? They are a slipping hazard.+ Are there any papers, shoes, or other objects on the fl oor?+ Do you wipe up spills right away? Stay off recently mopped fl oors until they are dry.+ Are there any cords or electrical wires that you have to walk over or near?+ If you have stairs, are any loose or uneven?+ Are the stairs well lit? Are there light switches at the top and the bottom of the stairs?+ If your stairs are carpeted, be sure the carpet is not loose or torn.+ Are there handrails on both sides of the stairs? Do you use the handrail?+ In the kitchen, are there items that you use on high shelves?+ Do you use a step stool with a grab rail? Never use a chair as a step stool.+ In the bathroom, do you use a rubber mat or self-stick strips in the tub?+ Do you have grab bars inside the tub and next to the toilet?+ Is your bathrobe so long that you might trip over it?+ Is it easy to reach a light near your bed?+ Is the path from your bed to the bathroom well lit?+ Do you exercise your legs regularly?+ Have you had your bone density checked recently?+ Have you had your doctor check the medications you take for possible side-effects?+ Do you have your vision checked at least once a year?+ Do you keep a pair of glasses within easy reach of your bed?+ Do you get up slowly after you sit or lie down? Sit up before you get up!+ Do you wear shoes that fi t securely both inside and outside the house?+ Do you keep emergency numbers near your phone?+ If you need one, do you have an Emergency Response Unit?+ If you have a cane or walker, do you use it?For a free “Home Safety Checklist,” call our office at 845-486-2555

PAGE 5Senior PromThe Black & White Party!Monday, October 15, <strong>2012</strong>12noon - 4 PM at the Villa BorgheseCo-hosted by The Pines at PoughkeepsieSponsored by Wingate Healthcare, CDPHP, Toll Brothers, TEG Federal Credit Union,Central Hudson, and the <strong>Dutchess</strong> <strong>County</strong> Dept. of Social Services - Protective Services for Adults.Full Buffet Lunch! Dancing! Prizes!Crowning of the <strong>2012</strong> Duke & Duchess!Featuring the music of the full Bob Martinson Band!Dress in Black & White for a chance to win prizes!!Discounted $20 seats when you pay beforeSeptember 15th!! ($25 after September 15th)People wishing to sit together MUST send their payments in together!Name(s)____________________________________Address_________________________________________Phone__________________________________________Please reserve _____seats together at $25 each ($250 per table)People wishing to sit together MUST send their checks in together (10 per table). WeMUST have the names of everyone you are paying for. Mail your check along with thisform to: The Division of Aging Services, 27 High Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. Sorry,no refunds. Tickets will not be issued; your name will be at the door. Discounted seatsare only available for payments received BEFORE September 15th or when we sell out.

PAGE 6Senior Seminarsand Senior Law DayThursday, September 13thNew Hackensack Reformed Church Classrooms1580 Route 376 just south of the <strong>Dutchess</strong> <strong>County</strong> AirportCall 486-2555 to register for any of the seminars!9:30 SENIOR SCAMS - Learn all about the latest scams targeting seniors and how to protectyourself. Presented by Stephanie Brideau of the NYS Attorney General’s Offi ce.YOUR AGING EYES - Cataracts, Glaucoma, Diabetic Retinopathy and MacularDegeneration are all possible as our eyes age. Learn about these conditions and how tohelp prevent them with Andreas Wolter, M.D., an Ophthalmologist with Seeta Eye Center.NUTRITION AS WE AGE - Find out the optimal foods to eat after age 60 with the <strong>Dutchess</strong><strong>County</strong> Department of Health’s Public Health Nutritionist Ozie Williams, RD, RN, CDE.EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS - How do you prepare BEFORE an emergency strikes?Volunteers from the Medical Reserve Corps of <strong>Dutchess</strong> <strong>County</strong> will let you know.10:30 WHY CAN’T I SLEEP? - Poor sleep as we age can lead to all kinds of medical conditions.Harry Lawrence from Advance Sleep in Fishkill is here to help and offer solutions.STRETCHING THE RETIREMENT DOLLAR - Make the most of your limited incomewith Brian Reiter of Cornell Cooperative Extension Financial Management Program.INTRODUCTION TO REIKI - Learn all about this “hands on” energy therapy techniquefrom Reiki Master Carol Persell.SOCIAL SECURITY IN 2013 - Join Social Security Public Affairs Specialist AdrienneVavricka as she discusses the changes in Social Security and takes your questions.11:30 MEDICARE & EPIC IN 2013 - Medicare Open Enrollment begins October 15th. Whatchanges should you be aware of to Medicare & EPIC in 2013?BEST OF BRAIN GAMES - Come play a few of the most popular games at the BrainGames classes! You’ll learn how much fun challenging your brain can be!FAMILY LOVE LETTER - Is the vital information your loved ones would need in case youbecame incapacitated or passed away readily available? Are your wishes clear to all involved?Axa Advisor’s Jane McCarthy will explain an easy way to collect all the info in one document.YOGA CHAIR EXERCISE FOR SENIORS with Vivian Walter.

Senior LawDayTaking place at the same location andat the same time as the Senior Seminarslisted on the opposite page, the annualSenior Law Day is a great way to learn moreabout some of the many legal issues affectingseniors. The program is coordinated by theJewish Community Center in Poughkeepsie.Registration begins at 9:30 AMThursday,September 13thNew Hackensack Reformed Church1580 Route 376(just south of the <strong>Dutchess</strong> Co. Airport)Town of WappingerSpeakers this year are beingscheduled on the following topics:Competency/ GuardianshipPower of AttorneyAdvance Life PlanningMedicaid / Long Term CareProtecting Your AssetsFLU CLINICS <strong>2012</strong>Don’t forget to get your fl u shot this fall. The<strong>2012</strong> <strong>Dutchess</strong> <strong>County</strong> Public Flu Clinics willstart in October and continue until December.You can also receive your vaccination fromyour doctor, pharmacist, and at fl u clinics inlocal retail outlets.For more information:www.dutchessny.govor call theFlu Clinic Hotline at 486-3435The 21st AnnualGoldenPAGE 7GatheringArlington High School1157 Route 55,LaGrangevilleCall 471-0430for reservationsSaturday,September 15th9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

<strong>Dutchess</strong> <strong>County</strong> Division of Aging Services27 High Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601PRESORTEDSTANDARDU.S. POSTAGE PAIDNEWBURGH, NYPERMIT NO. 17RETURN SERVICE REQUESTEDTO:Medicare OrientationThis program is a basic overview of Medicare for people approaching theage of 65, caregivers, and anyone who would like a better understandingof how Medicare works. Topics include Supplemental Insurances,Prescription Drug Plans, EPIC, Medicare Advantage Plans, and more.The programs take place at the Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Roomfrom 10 AM - 12 noon on the following Wednesdays:September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19In addition, there will be a session at the Starr Library, 68 W. Market St.in Rhinebeck on Monday, October 29th from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PMNavigating MedicareIf you have a little computer knowledge, our Health Insurance volunteerscan teach you how to navigate the Medicare website and learn about otherassociated programs to help you make more informed choices. Join themat the Adriance Library, 93 Market St., Poughkeepsie at 9:30 AM on:For more informationabout the<strong>Dutchess</strong> <strong>County</strong>Division of Aging ServicesVisit us online or call(845) 486-2555or (866) 486-2555September 26, October 24 or November 28There is no cost for any of these seminars, but space is limited. Pleasecall (845) 486-2555 to make a reservation.

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