June 1991 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1991 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1991 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

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<strong>June</strong>, <strong>1991</strong> Notebook Page 9Right HereIn River Cityby Bill Hemby,COPS LegislativeAdvocateCops Are on Trial at the Capitolhe fallout over the L.A. incident justT keeps on rolling. I was in Senate IndustrialRelations Committee recently,testifying on improving our cancerpresumption law, when committee chairman,Senator Bill Greene (D) L.A., tore intome over the Rodney King incident. Theremainder of my testimony resulted indefending police actions, not police cancer.In the meantime, several bills are beingheard "dealing" with the L.A. incident. Allof these bills are bad for police officers, andin this current climate of "police bashing,"may have a good chance of passage.The worst is Senate Bill 1261, bySenator Ed Davis (R), Northridge. SenatorDavis was, years ago, <strong>Police</strong> Chief of LosAngeles, as well as a past president of theLos Angeles <strong>Police</strong> Protective League.Something must have gotten lost over theyears, because Ed Davis is no friend torank and file law enforcement officers.Under the Davis bill, every uniformedcop must immediately restrain or arrestanother cop whom he or she observesengaging in felonious use of force. If youdon't - it is a felony.It gets better - every police officer whohas actual knowledge as to the felonioususe of force by another police officer hasto immediately report that use of force tothe appropriate authorities. If you don't -it is a felony.The bill goes on to say - "Any peaceofficer engaging in the felonious use offorce, who fails to immediately adhere tothe order ofl another uniformed peace officerto cease and desist is guilty of interferencewith a peace officer under colorof law . . . a felony.Xanadu Gallery900 North Point<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA 94109(415)441-5211Davis explains "felonious use of force"as: "force that both clearly exceeds theforce necessary for a peace officer to legallyarrest or subdue a suspect." And thatcomes from a conservative Republicanlawmaker!Now imagine just what QCC can dowith that? Can you see yourself at the nextpublic disturbance, the front line is fightingoff the demonstrators while the back lineis arresting the front line! It's kind of like,"Hit a Crook - Go To Jail!"Assemblyman Bill Ferguson (R) NewportBeach, another conservative Republican,has Assembly Bill 183 which reads: "a lawenforcement officer present at the place ofa lawful or an unlawful assembly who willinglyand knowingly uses pain compliancetechniques upon any person assembledwhose participation in the assembly ispassive, is guilty of a misdemeanor." Youcan pick them up, but if it hurts - you arein trouble. Bill Ferguson is worried aboutpro-lifer demonstrators being hurt whenthey picket the local Planned Parenthoodshop.Then there is AB 1114, by Assemblymember Archie Hudson (D) L.A. This billsays: "Every peace officer has a continuingduty to abate and report any and allviolations of... (the Penal Code). . . whichare enforceable by that peace officer, andthis duty includes, but is not limited to,situations where those laws are violated byother peace officers. Any violation. . . shallbe presumed to be negligent behaviour onthe part of that peace officer unless rebuttedby clear and convincing evidence thathis or her action or failure to act wasreasonable." AB 1114 also allows an aclionfor damages against the peace officerfor violating these provisions. As you cansee, it is not a fun year for us at the StateCapitol.Craig Condemnationby Gary DelagnesAnyone who knows me is aware of thefact that remaining quiet on certain issueshas never been a strong point of mine. Ihave remained uncharacteristically quiet forthe past few months about CommissionerGwen Craig because I didn't, in any way,want to hurt Rich Cairns' chances beforethe <strong>Police</strong> Commission.I attend the weekly comedy show at the<strong>Police</strong> Commission every Wednesay night.The usual routine features John Crew, andhis band of radical idiots, attempting to dictatepolicy for this <strong>Police</strong> Department. I canthink of no other city in this country thatwould give the credibility to the likes ofJohn Crew that he enjoys in S.F. I havebeen intrigued with Commissioner Craigsince the first time I was introduced to her,during Gorbachev's visit to S.F. When introducedI noticed she was wearing afigurine of Lenin, the father of communism,on her lapel.Since that time I have become disgustedwith her apparent open contempt for policeofficers in general, while sitting on a supposedlyunbiased <strong>Police</strong> Commission.Craig's completely unwarranted attack onmyself, Jim Deignan, and the new P.O.A.Executive Board in an interview she gavewith a gay newspaper only exemplifies herobviously preconceived conclusion that allpolice officers are barbaric homophobeswho cruise the streets of our city searchingout homosexuals to harrass and beatHer behavior during the Rich Cairns'hearing, cuminating with her self-servingpolitical tirade at the conclusion, was adisgrace. It was so obvious from the startthat Craig had made her mind up longbefore the hearing that Rich Cairns wasguilty. Gwen Craig is guilty of violatingeverything she claims to represent. A predeterminedbelief that all cops are thesame, that all cops are homophobic, andthat all cops are enemies of the gay community.She has done more to damagerelations between the <strong>Police</strong> Departmentand the gay community than any cop everycould. That Gwen Craig is allowed to sitin judgement of any police officer contradictseverything the <strong>Police</strong> Commissionsupposedly exemplifies. I, for one, call forher immediate removal from the <strong>Police</strong>Commission. But then, when did anyoneat City Hall listen to a cop? We are just thepawns they use to play their little politicalgames and further their own politicalcareers.415.441.1001Fax: 441.86161001 California St.,<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA 94108TheTo: All <strong>Police</strong>menYou assure security of our CityPaintingWe assure you of our Nice & Right Furniture!LadyNICE & RIGHT FURNITUREMarge JoefredaHome Comfort SpecialistsOwnerTel: (415) 821-2123621-19662710 Oakdale Avenue<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA 94124North Beach524 Union St. In JLf398-19522 SatellitesOpen 7 NightsDANCE TO THE MUSICof THE 50's & 60'sFRANK BRUNOI I INational Education Centers, Inc.2039 Clement StreetRichmond District<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA 94121HEE CHAN TRAVELSUE CHAN(Owner)Air Ticket:(415) 221-7085Bus Ticket:(415) 752-0737(415) 752-0738PdBryman Campus731 Market Street<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA94103415/777-2500We Train You To Become An:• Optical Technician• Dental Assistant• Medical Assistant• . . In Only 7-8 MonthsJOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCEITCIntercontinental Trading CorporationInternational Trade & Joint Venture Since 19521436 Cal8omia Street #2 <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA 94109, U.S.A.(415) 776-6868/6000 Fax: (415) 441-7452Beijing office:Rm. 8-I), ChIC Building, 81F.,19 Jianguo Men Wal Dajie, Beijing, ChinaTelephone: 5010336 / 5002255 Ext 3868Fax: 5002255 Ext3864WALTER J. MARONPresidentMEXICANFOOD PRODUCTS CORP.1555 GALVEZ AVE., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124(415) 648-8550KRUEGER BROS.BUILDERS, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTORSSINCE 1976DAVID M. KRUEGER, PRESIDENT501 ALABAMA STREET TEL 415/863-5846SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110 FAX 415/861-5565LICENSE NO. 364962

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