June 1991 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1991 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1991 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

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Page 24 Notebook <strong>June</strong>, <strong>1991</strong>ON THE STREET/Tom FlippinFunny..But Trueby Tom Flippin, Editoryou"... and even gave the cops the besttime to raid the place: "We are open everyday from noon to 4 a.m.".When the cops paid a visit the take was$400,000 worth of drugs and $13,000cash.OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND... ORJUST OUT OF THEIR MINDS? NewMexican authorities in Gallup haYe comeup with a great idea to solve the city'sserious problem with public drinking (theseriousness of the problem is illustrated bythe fact that cops in Gallup average 26,000drunk arrests a year).The brilliant solution that the powersthat-became up with establish a "drinkingzone" in a canyon north of the townthat could be developed into "an attractivedevelopment for alcohol abusers".I think <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> has already triedthis... it's called Sixth Street!IT WAS WORTH IT... EVERY PEN-NY: An innovative court settlement inTexas allowed a defendant to save$50,000 and probably gave the plaintiff agreat deal of satisfaction.A defense lawyer, with the approval ofthe judge, set up a deal that allowed theplaintiff to beat him up rather than collectsome $50,000 from the defendant in a liabilitycase. Maybe this will start a trend injurisprudence circles.., attention publicdefenders!AN HONEST DAY'S PAY FOR ANHONEST DAY'S WORK: A sheriff inWashington recently was rewarded forknowing how to "play the game". SheriffJoe Collins had been having a tough time:he was arrested and tried for theft and perjury(he managed to beat the rap); next, anaroused populace mounted a recall drive(he again managed to beat back his detractors);finally, he fought a hard battle for reelection(this time he lost his valiant fightand was defeated).Sheriff Collins' reward for his hard times:the local disability board awarded him fulldisability payments. The disability awardwas made for "stress incurred in the lineof duty".IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE...SOMETIMES: Narcotics officers inSouthern California found a "clue" whileserving a search warrant on one of theirlocal "clients". In the doper's effects theyfound an interesting business card. Thecard was an advertisement for the area's"newest crack house". Would-be customerswere advised that the establishment offered"good, high quality uncut cocaine at areasonable price".., boasted that they had"experienced Columbian personnel to servePOA HistoryAND NOW... A NEWS FLASH: Amystery man has been seen in various BayArea locations. The man, described as awhite male, 25 to 30 years old, 6 feet tall,weighing about 200 pounds and with amuscular build, enters businesses withwomen employees, claims to be fromEastern Onion (an entertainment deliveryservice), and strips.An Eastern Onion spokesman deniedthat the man was employed by the company,saying, "The company does employstrippers as novelty acts, but they leavetheir bikini underwear on."The mystery stripper removes all hisclothing despite the protests of the womenat the various businesses. The stripper hasstruck in Pleasanton, Los Altos, <strong>San</strong> Jose,Mountain View, Palo Alto and Livermore.He has not been caught, although policehave released a detailed description... uh,maybe it wasn't quite detailed enough.POA Bulletin#91-51Leonard Bell FundOn May 20, <strong>1991</strong>, Office LeonardBell, assigned to Potrero Station,was seriously injured during a strugglewith an armed assailant. OfficerBell's injury will result in financialhardship to himself and his family.Members of Potrero Station havestarted a "Leonard Bell Fund" tocome to his assistance.Anyone wishing to contribute tothis Fund, please make out yourcheck to "The Leonard Bell Fund"and send the contribution to CaptainRichard Holder, CommandingOfficer, Potrero Station.The <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Officers</strong>' <strong>Association</strong> has been' in existencesince 1946. An upcoming edition of The Notebook will celebrate those45 years of dedication and achievement.The success of that issue will depend on you readers. Any stories, articles,photos, etc. recalling POA history would be greatly appreciated.Send to: Notebook Editor(45th Anniversary)510 - 7th Street<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, CA 94103$12 a Yearby Steve Johnson, SecretarySeveral years ago, I participated in a visitto a <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> hospital during the holidayseason with a police <strong>San</strong>ta.The response from both police officerparticipants and those who received theman from the North Pole was overwhelminglyenthusiastic and both (police officersand children) asked for an encore - thatwas in 1985.We've since expanded and we now visitevery Pediatric Ward in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> duringthe Christmas Season bearing smallgifts for each child-patient as well as providingtheir family with a Polaroid momentoof <strong>San</strong>ta's visit. The collective "we" consistsof <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> police officers, <strong>San</strong><strong>Francisco</strong> firefighters and <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>Airport police officers, totalling over 40 off-MEMORIAL(Continued From Page 1)compensatory and in-lieu time.If a member believes that she/he meetsthese criteria then that member should fillout an application for catastrophic illnessstatus and submit it, along with any supportingmedical records, to the Departmentof Public Health, Personnel Office, 101Grove Street, Room 212, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>,California 94102, 554-2580. Applicationforms can be obtained from this same locationor from the <strong>Police</strong> Department's Personnel!Payroll Division, Room 570, Hallof Justice. All information regarding the applicationis kept strictly confidential.Once the application is approved themember will be assigned a recipient identificationnumber to keep the member'sidentity confidential. As in Sarah's case,members certified as catastrophically ill canidentify themselves and make their IDnumber known to other members so as totake advantage of transfer hours fromother members.Persons wishing to donate vacation/sicktime have the option of choosing a specificmember to give their time to, or they cantransfer to any person in need. This isespecially beneficial and rewarding forduty volunteers who, for one day in eachDecember, learn the real spirit ofChristmas.None of this would be possible withoutthe financial support of the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><strong>Police</strong> Officer <strong>Association</strong>'s CommunityServices committee, chaired by BobHuegle. Our volunteer group takes over1,000 Polaroid snapshots of children withtheir own personal <strong>San</strong>ta and that alonecosts a great deal.If you're not already donating 52 cents,that's 52C, that's a little over half of a fulldollar, to our Community Services Committee,you're really missing out on a greatdeal.Your miniscule investment will bringsmiles to young faces who usually don'thave much to smile about.Enrollment forms for the monthly donationof $1.00 to the SFPOA CommunityServices Committee will soon be mailed toyour home address - your contributionmeans a lot!!those members who have "maxed" out ontheir time and are at the verge of losingtheir hours if the time isn't used.To donate sick leave or vacation time toanother City & County employee, you:• cannot be catastrophically ill yourself;• must be eligible to accumulate and usesick leave and vacation credits; and• must retain a minimum of 64 hourssick leave for your own personal use.For members to donate their sick leaveand/or vacation time, a Donor's Vacation!Sick Pay Transfer form must be completed.This form is available from theSFPD Payroll! Personnel Division. Thetransfer form can be turned in to LieutenantJudy Pursell, Communications Division,as she maintains the log for our <strong>Police</strong>Department. Hours are then turned in toPPSD only as needed, so as not to wasteyour precious time.We wish to thank those who so quicklyand kindly came to Sarah Whitfield'sassistance. It would perhaps be the mostfitting living memorial to Sarah that anymember who can spare a few hours of his/her sick or vacation time take advantageof this Ordinance and transfer hours, "TheGift Of Time", to someone else in need.For further information or forms pleasecontact Lieutenant Harper in Personnel!Payroll Disvision, Extension 1281 or 9152.Thank you.

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