June 1991 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1991 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

June 1991 - San Francisco Police Officers Association

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<strong>June</strong>, <strong>1991</strong>Loon's Nest Reportby Ed GarciaTom Del Torre - Man of IronsIt was a blustery but beautiful day, at LincoinPark, where the ocean meets the bay.Lincoln Park Golf Course, the oldest continuousoperating golf course west of theMississippi River (according to SF Park &Rec), played host to the <strong>1991</strong> Loon's NestGolf Club's 'Irons Only" tournament Thirtyfivegolfers, armed only with their irons,competed in two handicap groups and inlow gross competition. Leading the pack inthe low gross division was Northern StationsTom Del Torre, who came throughwas a fantastic round of 73. Second placein low gross division went to a long timeloan making a comeback to tournamentgolf, Tom (YConnor. One of the fine playersout of Traffic Company, Tom was right onDel Torrds heals with a blistering 74. It wasgood to see Tom back in tournament form,as Tom is a former Northern Station Invitationaland P.A.L. Tournament champ. MikeYee, who comes to us from Fry's Golf Shopin South <strong>San</strong> Franciscq took third in lowgross with a fine round of 77. Mike had avery consistent round, staying out of troubleand hitting the greens.In the first flight competition, threecharter members of the Loon's Nest GolfClub battled it out First place when to MikePaulsen, one of the founding fathers of theclub. Mike had a fine day with his irons andcame in with ,a blazing net 65. Althoughmany people are not aware of Mike's priorsporting accomplishments, Mike Paulsenwas one of the finest all around athletesproduced in Northern <strong>San</strong> Mateo Countyand is probably the finest athlete tograduate from El Camino High School inSouth <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>. Second place wentto retired member Mike Brady, formerly ofPark Station. Mike, who is always tough intournament golf, had a net 68, as he pickedup his second trophy in as many Loon'stournaments. Third place went to HarryPearson. Although Harry is busy playingsoftball, basketball, golf and just about anyother sport, he made time to play and walkaway with another trophy. Let's not forgettht Harry Pearson is also a former NorthernStation Invitational champ from years goneby.The second flight competition was extremelytight, as three players came in withnet scores of 62. The three way tie wasbroken by matching scores from holenumber 1. This gave first place to noneother than Northern Station's own ArtStellini. Stellini had a big day as he alsotook home a trophy as one of the winnersin the closest to the hole contest. Stellinihas now brought home three trophys in 6months time and is planning to add atrophy room onto his home. He is acceptingbids from qualified contractors. Secondplace went to Joel Harms. Joel is a formertraffic man who has found a place at Co.E and now has made his mark with theLoon's Nest Golf Club. Harms gives a greatNotebookdeal of credit to his new one iron, whichhe purchased shortly before this event.Third place went to Jack Kowal. Jack hadnot played a tournament or any golf forquite some time, but Jack decided to makehis comeback in excellent form. Hopefullythis will get Jack back into the swing ofthings and he will play in all the Loon'sevents. Lt Bill Petrie, formerly of Co. E tookhome a trophy, as he was also a winner inthe closest to the hole contest.When all was said and done on thecourse, the Loon's went into Thiggy'srestaurant at Lincoln Park for a banquetand cocktails where the awards werepresented. We now look forward to our<strong>June</strong> northward migration to Windsor,where we will be playing the <strong>1991</strong> Loon'sNest Golf Club/Trinity Construction InvitationalTournament. Hope to see you there.Torn Del Torre, 1st place, low grossPage 21Low Gross LeadersDel Torre 73O'Connor 74Yee 77Pearson 81Garcia 81Paulsen 83Mar 83Brady 83Parenti 871st Flight Net ScoresPaulsen 65Brady 68Pearson 69Garcia 70Davis, Ken 71Mar 73Parenti 74Whitney 782nd Flight Net ScoresStellini 62Harms 62Kowal 62Roualdes 66Wismer 66Barry 67Siragusa 68Buono 69Machi 71Canedo 72Zalenski 73Ballard 77"B" Division SoftballPlayoff Picture Shaping UpTalk about even competition, despitetwo and a half months of hotly contested"B" Division softball the playoff picture isstill unresolved. As of now, the five playoffspots have already been filled (see standings);but, "who will be playing who" is thequestion. A first place finish in the divisionwould mean a bye throughout the playoffsuntil the championship game, while secondplace plays fifth and third place playsfourth. The winner of these two gameswould play to go to the championship aswell.The team to beat all season long hasbeen the Paramedic Ringers who havebeen frying to run away with the league at10-wins and 0-losses, and it's being doneamidst much controversy. Everyone in theleague is up in arms about them using illegalplayers, but the Ringers won't haveany of it. "What's the big deal?!", a playerwas quoted as saying. "No one cared whoplayed for us when we were the doormatsof the league the last few years, and someof the same players who are in questionthis year played then."The Park Station Islanders at 7-wins and1-loss still have a chance to knock theRingers out of that coveted first place position.With three make-up games to beplayed, including one against the Ringers,the Islanders literally control their owndestiny. After winning their first four gamesby forfeits, the Islanders finally had to playa little ball before their rousting barbecues.They played well, winning three gamesover the SF Airport, NM's, and SouthernStation, and losing only one to theBulldogs 13-3. It was a close game earlywith the Islanders taking a 3-1 lead into thesixth inning, but the "Dogs" finally woke upand exploded for twelve unanswered runsto turn it into a rout.The Bulldogs finished their season witha solid 9-win 2-loss record which is the bestshowing in the history of the team. Theywere on a tear with decisive victories overSouthern, Mission, and CHP, and theycontinued the roll with an exciting 5-4squeaker over Taraval Station. It was a finepitchers' duel between Jim Drago and TomLovrin that was decided in the bottom ofthe ninth when the Dogs' Steve Rochesingled home the game winner with thebases loaded and one out. It was a goodattempt by Roche to make up for his verysuspect play while filling in at third base inrecent games, but others don't see it thatway. An unknown Irish guy from the NM'swas quoted as saying, "There's no makingup for the hatchet job that guy Roche hasbeen doing in the infield!" while anotherunknown Irish guy said, "That old mancouldn't catch a cold while in a blizzardnaked!"The NM's have been on somewhat of a"high horse" recently after securing aplayoff spot with decisive victories over FBIand CHP in their final two games of theseason. They ended up with a 7-win 4-lossrecord ands are considered the "dark horse"in what will be very stiff playoff competition.They'll be fourth or fifth place dependingon what Taraval does in their lastgame which is being made up against theIslanders.Taraval has been reeling lately with fourlosses in their last five games leading to adrop from first place to fifth. There hasbeen some dissension amongst teammatesrecently, and that situation wasn't helpedmuch when they suffered another tough1-run loss this time at the hands ofSouthern Station 14-13. "It was an upsetin the sunset!" quoted Southern playerCabs Recinos. His "Brooks Robinson"type plays at third base was a key in thevictory. The other key was Al Honnibal's2-run homer in the top of the ninth thatcompleted a comeback of an earlier 7-rundeficit. This game helped Southern endtheir season on a positive note, whileTaraval is hoping to regroup in time for thefirst playoff round scheduled for Tuesday,<strong>June</strong> 11th.SOFTBALL TRIB NOTES: LeagueCommissioner Layne Amiot is anxious forthe playoffs to get started, but he's not sosure he wanted the season to end just yet.His bat came alive recently when he beltedout two home runs in one game during aMission Chihuahua loss to the Bulldogs.Amiot beamed proudly, "The Commissionerstill has some 'pop' left in his bat!"NOTE: Second playoff round scheduledfor Thursday, <strong>June</strong> 13th, and the Championshipis Tuesday, <strong>June</strong> 18th.PLAYOFF OUTLOOKOF TEAMSTHAT CLINCHEDWon LostPARAMEDICS (RINGERS) 10 0PARK (ISLANDERS) 7 1NORTHERN #2(BULLDOGS) 92NORTHERN #3 (NM's) 7 4TARAVAL (?) 64Torn O'Connor. 2nd place, low grossilkpMike Paulsen, 1st place, 1st flightArt Stellini, 1st place, 2nd flight'TIKING CONEICE CREAM2542 <strong>San</strong> BrunoAvenue<strong>San</strong> Franciscc,CA 94134Bus:(415) 468-4939Hicks Realty & Mortgage1633 Bayshore Highway, #120, Burlingame, CA 94010-1507(415)697-9500 FAX (415) 697-0100PROPERTIES FOR SALE<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> and <strong>San</strong> Mateo CountiesProperty Trades • Equity SharesLow Low Down PaymentsNo Qualifying • Easy AssumptionsTrust Deeds Arranged and PurchasedNoe Valley Units Noe Valley Units Excelsior Homes1315-1315A <strong>San</strong>chez 1520-1522 <strong>San</strong>chez Many to ChooseGreat Financing Great Terms Low DownsLots More Properties Available in<strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> and on the PeninsulaJeremiah Buckley • 697-9500Member S.F.P.D. • Co. E

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