membership application national affiliate - Cape Town Tourism

membership application national affiliate - Cape Town Tourism

membership application national affiliate - Cape Town Tourism


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MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONNATIONAL AFFILIATEPRIVATE & CONFIDENTIALFor office use:Date of PaymentReceiptTotal AmountProcessed byCertificate collectionSECTION A: CLIENT DETAILSREGISTERED BUSINESS NAMECOMPANY or T/A NAMECONTACT PERSONPOSTAL ADDRESSTOWN / CITYPOSTAL CODEPHYSICAL ADDRESSTOWN / CITYCODEARE YOU AN EXISTING MEMBERSINGLE / MULTIPLE MEMBERSHIPTEL NUMBERCELL NUMBERFAX NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSWEBSITE ADDRESSTWITTER HANDLEVAT NUMBERGRADING NO (TGCSA, SATSA, SAACI)CERTIFICATE COLLECTION COLLECT POST GRADING RENEWAL DATECOMMUNICATION INCL SMS INCL EMAILBEE SHAREHOLDING ‣ 51% ‣ 75% ‣ N/ABBBEE SCORECARD STATUS (level)BEE CERTIFICATE NUMBERSECTION B: MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY (PLEASE TICK THE RELEVANT CATEGORY/IES FOR YOUR BUSINESS - THE FEE DISPLAYED IS THE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE 2011-2012 – FEESARE REVISED ANNUALLY. MEMBERSHIP YEAR 1 SEPTEMBER TO 31 AUGUST – QUARTERLY PRO-RATA FEES ARE DUE FOR NEW REGISTRATIONS EFFECTED WITHIN THE MEMBERSHIP YEAR)Accommodation Attractions & Activities Restaurant & Entertainment R1-3 Rooms/Units R 610 151 shops) R 6 70826-50 Rooms/Units R 1 626 Wine Farm R 762 Film companies R 66151-75 Rooms/Units R 1 957 Business <strong>Tourism</strong> & Events Health & personal care providers R 66176-100 Rooms/Units R 2 643 Venue, Organizer, Support Service R 1 416 <strong>Tourism</strong> services R 661101+ Rooms/Units R 3 303 Services Professional & general services R 661Hotel Group R 6 708 Tourist Guide R 572 <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> Creative R 330Lodge/Farms/Resorts R 1 957 Tour Operator (1-5 Vehicles) R 661 Society, Club, other association, NPO R 330Caravan/Camping R 661 Tour Operator (6-10 Vehicles) R 1 321 Marketing association R 991Backpacker R 661 Tour Operator (>10 Vehicles) R 1 957 Friend of <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> R 350Letting pools/broker R 788 Transport service R 661 National Business R 9 084Preferred Service Provider (Local) R 1 652 Preferred Service Provider (National) R 8 258SECTION C: METHOD OF PAYMENT *The <strong>membership</strong> fee payable by the Member to CTT shall be payable by the Member within 7 business days of theAcceptance of Application by CTT by way of an electronic funds transfer to the bank account details of CTT as stipulated in the Application FormJOINING ADMIN FEE (*once off) R MASTER CARD VISA BANK ABSAMEMBERSHIP FEE R EFT CHEQUE ACC NO 4060151281TOTAL R DEPOSIT CASH CODE 631 609NOTES:SECTION D: MEMBERSHIP PERIODThe Member's <strong>membership</strong> will automatically be renewed on the date of the new <strong>membership</strong> year. The Member may terminate<strong>membership</strong> with CTT with effect from date of the new <strong>membership</strong> year, by giving not less than two month's written notice of suchtermination prior to the date of the new <strong>membership</strong> year, i.e. July preceding September (the start of new <strong>membership</strong> year)

The clauses below contain statements which are acknowledgments of fact by you. You must read these clauses carefully and ensure that all thestatements in these clauses are correct as you will not be able to deny the truth of the statements. We may also have claims and other rights againstyou as a result of such statements.SECTION A: BOOKING AND REFERRAL TERMS AND CONDITIONSPlease read and sign the below terms and conditions to be eligible toreceive referrals and bookings.<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> strives to provide visitors with relevant and up-to-dateinformation about the products, services and activities provided by ourmembers that matches their requirements. Visitors are assisted in anobjective, professional and efficient manner where they make their ownchoice of products and services. <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> cannot guaranteereservations but endeavours to convert information enquiries intoreservations for members. We encourage our members to update theirinformation on the VMMS (Visitor and Member Management System)using their unique log in number and to keep their information updated.1. <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> provides a booking service on behalf ofaccommodation members for a commission of between 11%and 20% (depending on <strong>membership</strong> status). As anaccommodation member, the current commission charged is11%.2. All prices quoted to <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> must be rack rate, i.e.the price must include all charges, commissions and VAT.Services rendered by the service provider, which are notincluded in the rate, should be stated separately.3. When accommodation enquiries are received by <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong><strong>Tourism</strong>, a provisional booking will be made by the staff andmust be kept for a period of 24 hours. We collect a bookingfee/deposit of 11% from the customer to secure the booking.4. For each deposit collected by <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>, thecustomer will receive a booking confirmation voucher detailingthe deposit collected, and this amount will be deducted fromthe total fee payable to the service provider.5. Once the booking confirmation has been received, theaccommodation provider must follow up with the customerregarding:‣ The further deposit requirements, e.g. when balance must bepaid;‣ The bank account details;‣ The acceptable forms of payment, e.g. cash, credit card, banktransfer;‣ Cancellation policy6. It is important to note that sometimes visitors prefer to firstlook at or view the accommodation or deal with the memberdirectly after a referral has been made. In these cases,members will be responsible for a referral commission payableto <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> and based on the amount the customerwill pay directly to the service provider. <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>will raise an invoice for the commission.7. Service providers must make available to customers adequateand appropriate alternative accommodation, if the original itembooked by the customer is not available for any reason.8. By confirming the booking and paying the deposit, customersare entitled to use the facilities and services of theestablishment or service provider for the dates, room types,special services and prices agreed.SECTION B: GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS1. Describe fairly to all visitors and prospective visitors the amenities, facilities and servicesprovided by an establishment whether by advertisement, brochure, word-of-mouth or byany other means.2. Refrain from including misrepresentative content or images in any marketing material.3. Allow each visitor reasonable opportunity to view the services prior to registration.4. Make clear to visitors exactly what is included in the prices quoted, including taxes andany surcharges. Details of charges, for additional services or facilities available should bemade clear.5. Give each visitor, on request, details of payments due and a receipt, if required andadhere to current prices and advise guests of any alteration in rates prior to registration.6. Deal promptly and courteously with all enquiries, reservations, correspondence andcomplaints from visitors.7. Ensure, within the bounds of legal liability, the safety of guests and their possessions.8. Ensure that no guest is discriminated against in an unfair manner, notwithstanding theoperator's Right of Admission.9. Implement lawful, healthy, safe and equitable employment conditions, enhance equalemployment opportunities and support human resource development through training.10. Allow a <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> representative reasonable access to an establishment toconfirm that the establishment complies with the relevant minimum requirements.11. Avail myself of the services and benefits that <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> offers and make use ofthem to improve my business.12. Ensure that the staff of <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> is familiar with my product by offeringeducationals (subject to availability of staff) and/or product briefings (staff sessions) andregular visits to the Visitor Information Centres where and when possible.13. Accept liability for payment of commission from reservations and referrals received from<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> on the date of booking.14.Apply the principles of the Consumer Protection Act of 2008 (to the extent applicable).SECTION C: CODE OF CONDUCT<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> is a professional organisation dedicated to working with and providingdestination marketing, visitor & <strong>membership</strong> services for <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong>. We are proud torepresent businesses that adhere to a high standard of service and professionalism.As a member of <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> I will adhere to the following code of conduct in mydealings with my clients, my employees, the public, fellow members, and <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong><strong>Tourism</strong>, its staff, Board and representatives. I will act (with):1. HONESTY -I will ensure that all my advertising, marketing, collateral produced andwebsite content are a true reflection of my product or service and will never be deceptive,misleading or exaggerated.2. TRANSPARENCY -I will not deal in an underhand way either by offering higher thancontractually agreed commissions or bribes to <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>, its employees ormanagement to ensure more business or to solicit business.3. INTEGRITY -I will be steadfast in upholding the principles of this code of conduct.4. RESPONSIBILITY -I will endeavour to uphold the principles of Responsible <strong>Tourism</strong> –protecting the environment and working ethically within my community, with visitors and<strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>.5. MORALITY - I will not directly or indirectly have any dealings with either individuals orgroups which can be construed as endangering, exploiting or diminishing the standing ofwomen, children or vulnerable people.6. RESPECT - I will ensure that all claims and statements (whether verbal or published viasocial media, advertising or marketing channels) are not exaggerated, false and do notdamage or slander <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>, <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>’s products/services, itsmembers, management or employees.7. LAWFULLY - I will comply with all laws of the Republic of South Africa (and in particularalso with the Consumer Protection Act) and ensure all contracts and terms of business arelawful, clear, concise and honoured, and guarantee all transactions are fair, just andreasonable.8. INSPIRATIONALLY - I will be an ambassador for tourism in <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> and help encouragecommunity understanding of the importance of tourism as a contributor to <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong>’seconomy and positioning <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> as a place of inspiration and one of the top cities tolive, visit, invest, study and work in.9. ACCOUNTABILITY - I accept liability for timeous payment of <strong>membership</strong> fees as well ascommissions from reservations and referrals received from <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>.

The clauses below contain statements which are acknowledgments of fact by you. You must read these clauses carefully and ensurethat all the statements in the clauses are correct as you will not be able to deny the truth of the statements. We may also haveclaims and other rights against you as a result of such statementsAs far as the law allows, you acknowledge and agree that:1. The information you have supplied in this Application Form is complete, true and correct;2. You will notify us immediately in writing within 14 business days of any change in the details contained in this Application Form;3. This Application Form and the Terms collectively constitute the agreement between you and us;4. No warranties, representations or guarantees have been made by us or on our behalf which may have induced you to enter intothis Agreement; and5. You have read and understand this Application Form and the Terms.As far as the law allows, the individual who signs this Application Form acknowledges and agrees that he/she is:1. Duly authorised to represent the applicant and to bind it to this Agreement, if the applicant is not an individual;2. Not an unemancipated minor or under similar legal disability; and3. Not subject to an administration order referred to in section 74(1) of the Magistrates Court Act, 32 of 1944.DECLARATIONI, the undersigned, wish to be considered for <strong>membership</strong> of <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> and acknowledge and agree to bebound by the terms as set out above.Signed at _____________________ on this ____________ day of ___________________ 20 ____________________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________Client (Print Name) Capacity SignatureACCEPTANCE BY CAPE TOWN TOURISM: Authorisation____________________________Signature____________________________DateREQUIREMENTS:Please include a copy of the following with your <strong>application</strong> as applicable.ALL BUSINESSES RESTAURANTS & ACCOMODATION TOUR OPERATORSCertified copy of owner’s ID Fire Inspection Certificate Operating licence / permitBusiness Registration Health Certificate SATSA / DEDAT CertificateTax Clearance CertificateZoning DocumentationMunicipal Business Licence ACCOMMODATION ONLY TOUR GUIDESPublic Liability Insurance TGCSA / DEDAT Certificate Copy of Tourist Guide Card

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