6th Grade Judaics Syllabus General Course ... - Beth Tfiloh

6th Grade Judaics Syllabus General Course ... - Beth Tfiloh

6th Grade Judaics Syllabus General Course ... - Beth Tfiloh


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<strong>6th</strong> <strong>Grade</strong> <strong>Judaics</strong> <strong>Syllabus</strong>Rabbi Mordechai Abraham mabraham@btfiloh.org Ext. 412Rabbi Shmuel Krawatsky skrawatsky@btfiloh.org Ext. 430Rabbi Yitzchak Jaffe yjaffe@btfiloh.org Ext. 440<strong>General</strong> <strong>Course</strong> DescriptionsIn the <strong>Judaics</strong> Core block, 6 th grade students will study Chumash, Navi, Chagim and Parsha. Theywill cover the Book of Shemot from Parshat Beshalach Chapter 15 through Parshat Mishpatim.In addition, the weekly Torah portion will be reviewed each week so that a majority of the Booksof the Torah are covered over the course of the year. Students will study the entire book ofShoftim and will learn about the laws and customs relevant to the Jewish holidays. In addition,the children will study various aspects of Shabbat. That unit will demonstrate how the mitzvahevolved from the written Torah, through Rabbinic Literature, into modern application.<strong>Course</strong> Objectives♦♦♦♦♦♦To enable students to study the content of Parshiot Beshalch, Yitro, Mishpatim and indepth.To familiarize students with the letters and methodology of Rashi, including theimportance of his Dibur Hamatchil and figuring out Rashi’s question, and understandinghis emphasis on P’shat.To familiarize students with basic Chumash vocabulary, grammar and shorashim.To review the content of the weekly Parsha, as well as Divrei Torah, through the use ofparsha worksheets and Internet resources.To enable students to study the entire book of Shoftim, analyzing and understanding eachof the different judges and their function in Jewish history.To provide students with relevant knowledge about the laws and customs of Jewishholidays.Scope and Sequence of <strong>Course</strong> Contents♦♦♦♦♦Sefer Shemot - Parshiot Beshalach, Yitro, and MishpatimWeekly Torah PortionEntire book of ShoftimJewish holidays during the school yearShabbat unitTexts Used Within ClassroomSefer ShemotSefer ShoftimChorev editionEshkol editionTexts Used As Home ResourceThe following texts will be useful resources at home: Stone Edition of the Chumash, the ArtscrollSaperstein Edition of the Chumash with RashiTechnology Integration and ExpectationsThe computer may be used in class to take notes on Davkawriter at the teacher’s discretion. TheInternet will be used at times to research content and Divrei Torah on the Chumash and Parsha, aswell as access relevant articles on Eretz Yisrael, current events and Jewish topics. Students areexpected to bring the computer to class when required by the teacher and use appropriately. Attimes assignments will be completed on the computer and sent electronically to the teacher.Homework Policies

2Homework is designed to serve as an introduction to a lesson or as a review of a lesson taught inclass. Homework must be handed in on time. If a student does not hand in a homework on time,the student’s score for that homework will be lowered. In case of extenuating circumstances,students must bring a note of explanation signed by a parent.Grading Criteria and PoliciesStudents will be notified the week before a test and will receive review sheets a few lessonsbefore. Test material will be compiled from classwork, quizzes, in-class notes, and the reviewsheet. Chumash and Parsha make up the ‘<strong>Judaics</strong> 1’ grade on the report card.Chagim and Navi make up the ‘<strong>Judaics</strong> 2’ grade.A student’s grade will be based on the following components:60% Exams/Tests/Quizzes/Projects/ Drills15% Homework25% Class Participation / Attitude / Conduct /Promptness / Readiness / TardinessClassroom ExpectationsStudents are expected to come prepared with all necessary texts and utensils, to participate inclass discussions and text analysis, and to review at home on a regular basis.

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