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Download catalogue as a pdf. - Travis Perkins -- Toolhire

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HAND ARMVIBRATIONWHAT IS HAND ARMVIBRATION?Hand Arm Vibration is vibration transmittedfrom hand-held powered work equipment intothe hands and arms of the operator. Regular orexcessive exposure to Hand Arm Vibration canlead to Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS).WHAT IS HAND ARM VIBRATIONSYNDROME?(Also known <strong>as</strong> White Finger Dise<strong>as</strong>e) HAVSaffects the joints, muscles, nerves and bloodvessels of the hand, wrist and arm.WHEN AM I AT RISK?You are at risk if you regularly use hand-heldpower tools and machines such <strong>as</strong>:✓ Brush Cutters✓ Chipping Hammers✓ Concrete Breakers✓ Concrete Pokers✓ Powered Mowers✓ Hedge Trimmers✓ Sanders✓ Chainsaws✓ Disc Cutters✓ Hammer Drills✓ Grinders✓ Needle Guns✓ ScabblersSYMPTOMS✓ Tingling in the fingers - Reduced ability towork in cold or damp conditionsEFFECTS✓ Fingers becoming numb - Pain, distressand sleep disturbance✓ Fingers going white - Loss of strength inyour handsWHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO MEAND MY BUSINESS?AS AN EMPLOYER?Health & Safety Law requires employers toprotect their employees by:✓ Assessing the job in hand - can it be doneanother way?✓ Look out for the vibration level colourcoding throughout this brochure to helpyou make your <strong>as</strong>sessment using thetraffic light system opposite✓ Only use regularly serviced tools(our Hire branches service all equipmentafter every use)✓ Be alert - do not ignore the symptoms✓ Provide reports to the relevant authoritiesof HAVS c<strong>as</strong>es in your workforceAS AN EMPLOYEE✓ Learn to recognise early symptoms of HAVS✓ Report any symptoms to your employerimmediately✓ Always use the control me<strong>as</strong>ures youremployer h<strong>as</strong> put in place to reduce therisk of HAVS✓ Read any HAVS information leaflet providedwith relevant equipmentTRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEMDeveloped by The Construction Confederation andHire Association Europe in partnership with theHealth and Safety Executive (HSE), this systemcategorises the level of vibration caused bydifferent equipment.We have clearly marked all equipment that appliesto Hand Arm Vibration with the appropriate colour.RedAmberGreenOver 10m/s 2 - HighVibration Risk EquipmentSupervisor needs to <strong>as</strong>sess5 - 10m/s 2 - MediumVibration Risk Equipment2 hours maximum daily usewithout further <strong>as</strong>sessmentBelow 5m/s 2 - LowVibration Risk Equipment8 hours maximum use67

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