From Protein Structure to Function with Bioinformatics.pdf

From Protein Structure to Function with Bioinformatics.pdf

From Protein Structure to Function with Bioinformatics.pdf


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176 N.J. Burgoyne and R.M. JacksonFig. 7.3 Schematic showing discrete flow theory. One Delaunay triangle acts as a sink for theflow. CASTp considers this a true pocketsurface spaces generates a triangulated surface. These triangular polyhedrons arepruned using the discrete flow theory (see Fig. 7.3). The polyhedrons that areenclosed by others are used <strong>to</strong> define the cavities.The general procedure adopted by all of these methods is <strong>to</strong> define a boundarybetween protein surface and pocket area. But an additional boundary, between thepocket area and open space, must also be defined. In some geometric definitionsthese boundaries are dependent on the structure of the protein and predicted sitevolumes show a tendency <strong>to</strong> increase <strong>with</strong> protein size. In energetically definedbinding sites (see below) sites have volumes roughly equivalent <strong>to</strong> ligand volumesirrespective of the overall size of the protein. This is more in keeping <strong>with</strong> the ideathat a ligand of a given size will occupy a similar sized binding pocket irrespectiveof protein size (Laurie and Jackson 2005). Energetically Defined Binding SitesRather than using a geometric approach, the energetic approach defines pockets asregions that are most likely <strong>to</strong> interact <strong>with</strong> other molecules (Laurie and Jackson2005). In Q-SiteFinder the proteins are first enclosed in grids where interactingprobes (modelled as a methyl (−CH 3) group) can be placed at all intersections thatdo not coincide <strong>with</strong> the protein a<strong>to</strong>ms. The score of the probes are calculated asthe van der Waals interaction potential energy of that group in each location. Theprobes <strong>with</strong> a high enough affinity are retained and clustered. The defined clustersare ranked such that the pocket <strong>with</strong> the most favourable interaction energy (usuallythe largest) is assumed <strong>to</strong> be the most likely ligand-binding site. It was found that

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