From Protein Structure to Function with Bioinformatics.pdf

From Protein Structure to Function with Bioinformatics.pdf

From Protein Structure to Function with Bioinformatics.pdf


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5 <strong>Structure</strong> and <strong>Function</strong> of Intrinsically Disordered <strong>Protein</strong>s 123namely molecular function (MF), biological process (BP) and cellular localization(CL). In practically complete agreement, different works suggest agree that the frequencyof disorder is sharply higher in eukaryotes than in prokaryotes, and thatdisorder is common in regula<strong>to</strong>ry and signalling functions. In terms of MF, the highestlevels of disorder appear in categories such as transcription regulation, proteinkinase, transcription fac<strong>to</strong>r, DNA binding, whereas it is lowest in oxidoreductase,catalytic, ligase, structural molecule categories. In terms of BP, categories such asdevelopment, protein phosphorylation, regulation of transcription, signal transductionhave the highest level of disorder, whereas in biosynthesis and energy pathways itappears infrequently. With respect <strong>to</strong> localization, it prevails in nuclear, cy<strong>to</strong>skeletaland chromosomal proteins, for example, <strong>with</strong> low levels in mi<strong>to</strong>chondrial, cy<strong>to</strong>plasmicand membrane proteins.When prediction is focused on long disordered regions, thought <strong>to</strong> be functionallysignificant (Xie et al. 2007), similar observations have been made. When SwissProtBP key-words were analyzed, significant positive (e.g., differentiation, transcription,transcription regulation), and negative (e.g., biosynthesis, transport, electron transport,glycolysis) correlations <strong>with</strong> disorder were found (Xie et al. 2007). When MFkeywords were analyzed, most positively correlated were ribonucleoprotein, ribosomalprotein, developmental protein, whereas negatively correlated were oxidoreductase,transferase, lyase, hydrolase. In terms of 710 functional SwissProtkey-words, 238 were in strongly positive, whereas 302 in strongly negative, correlation<strong>with</strong> disorder; 170 keywords were ambiguous.Taken <strong>to</strong>gether, all the pertinent studies agree that proteins of regula<strong>to</strong>ry functionsare positively correlated <strong>with</strong> disorder, whereas proteins <strong>with</strong> catalytic functions arenegatively associated.5.4.2 Classification of IDPs Based on Their Mechanismof ActionIn another system taking the molecular mechanisms of IDPs in<strong>to</strong> consideration,disordered proteins have been classified in<strong>to</strong> five (Tompa 2002) and later in<strong>to</strong> six(Tompa 2005) categories. Recent observations have suggested the addition of prionproteins as an additional category (Pierce et al. 2005). This classification scheme(Table 5.2) can accommodate all distinct modes of IDP/IDR actions described thusfar (Sickmeier et al. 2007). Entropic ChainsThe first functional category, unique <strong>to</strong> disordered proteins, is that of entropicchains, the function of which does not involve partner recognition, but directlyresults from disorder. Sub-categories <strong>with</strong>in this class are termed entropic springs,

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