5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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any material containing them at any time.b. Any loss, cost or expense:i. Any Insured or any other person or organization may incur in testing for, monitoring, removing,treating or in any way responding to the actual, potential, alleged or threatened presence of mold,mildew or fungi of any kind whatsoever, or any materials containing them, whether as a result of arequest, demand, statutory or regulatory requirement or otherwise; orii. Any Insured or any other person or organization may incur in connection with any claim or “suit” onbehalf of any government authority or any person or organization relating to the actual, potential,alleged or threatened presence of mold, mildew or fungi of any kind whatsoever, or any materialscontaining them.c. We will have no duty or obligation to defend any Insured with respect to any claim or “suit” seeking anysuch damages.Commercial General Liability(Claims-Made Form)– 17 clausesCommercial General Liability(Occurrence Form)– 17 clauses12.POLICY TERRITORY ENDORSEMENTNotwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this insurance or any endorsement thereto it is herebydeclared and agreed that, the policy territory of this policy shall be amended to read as follow:[Insert country]ExclusionsCommercial General Liability(Claims-Made Form)– 17 clausesCommercial General Liability(Occurrence Form)– 17 clauses13.PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY EXCLUSIONThis policy excludes any liability arising out of the rendering of professional advice or services for a fee orany error or omission connected therewith. For the purposes of this exclusion ProfessionalServices means the performance of work by any Insured for any service or advice provided for a fee orremuneration; including but not limited to designing, consulting, predesign, specification, technicalinformation, feasibility studies, surveying, project management, supervision of construction under thedirect instruction of an architect or engineer, misstatements, misleading statements, defamation, breach ofany intellectual property right (such as copyright, trademark, patent), breach of contract, breach ofconfidentiality or similar activities.ExclusionsCommercial General Liability(Claims-Made Form)– 17 clausesCommercial General Liability(Occurrence Form)– 17 clauses14.PUNITIVE DAMAGES EXCLUSIONSIt is agreed that this insurance shall not apply to punitive or exemplary damages, fines or statutorypenalties, sanctions, whether imposed by law or otherwise, trebled or otherwise multiplied damages orany multiplied portion of a compensatory award, or the return or restitution of legal fees, costs andexpenses. Claims for or awards against any insured for punitive or exemplary damages, fines orstatutory penalties, sanctions, whether imposed by law or otherwise, trebled or otherwise multiplieddamages or any multiplied portion of a compensatory award are not covered by this insurance regardlessof whether they are demanded or awarded based upon the conduct of an insured or upon the conduct of63

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