5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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本 附 加 條 款 有 關 之 約 定 與 基 本 條 款 、 其 他 約 定 及 簽 批 牴 觸 時 , 悉 依 本 附 加 條 款 之 約 定 為 準 , 其 他 未 約 定 事 項仍 依 基 本 條 款 、 其 他 約 定 及 簽 批 辦 理 。Commercial General Liability(Claims-Made Form)COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY1. Insuring Agreementa. We will pay those sums that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages because of"bodily injury" or "property damage" to which this insurance applies.We will have the right and duty to defend the insured against any "suit" seekingthose damages. However, we will have no duty to defend the insured against any "suit" seekingdamages for "bodily injury" or "property damage" to which this insurance does not apply. We may, atour discretion, investigate any "occurrence" and settle any claim or "suit" that may result. But:(1)The amount we will pay for damages is limited as described in Section III –Limits Of Insurance; and(2)Our right and duty to defend ends when we have used up the applicable limit of Insurance in thepayment of judgments or settlements under Coverages A or B or medical expenses under CoverageC.No other obligation or liability to pay sums or perform acts or services is covered unless explicitlyprovided for under Supplementary Payments – Coverages A and B.b. This insurance applies to "bodily injury" and "property damage" only if:(1)The "bodily injury" or "property damage" is caused by an "occurrence" that takes place in the"coverage territory";(2)The "bodily injury" or "property damage" did not occur before theRetroactive Date, if any, shown in the Declarations or after the end of the policy period; and(3) A claim for damages because of the "bodily injury" or "property damage" is first made against anyinsured, in accordance with Paragraph c. below, during the policy period or any Extended ReportingPeriod we provide under Section V – Extended Reporting Periods.c. A claim by a person or organization seeking damages will be deemed to have been made at the earlierof the following times:(1) When notice of such claim is received and recorded by any insured or byus, whichever comes first; or(2) When we make settlement in accordance with Paragraph 1.a. above.All claims for damages because of "bodily injury" to the same person,including damages claimed by any person or organization for care, loss ofservices, or death resulting at any time from the "bodily injury", will bedeemed to have been made at the time the first of those claims is madeagainst any insured.All claims for damages because of "property damage" causing loss to thesame person or organization will be deemed to have been made at the time51

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