5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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In all other respects this Policy remains unaltered.共 用 責 任 限 額 附 加 條 款茲 經 雙 方 同 意 如 下 ( 除 本 保 險 單 有 其 他 條 款 、 條 件 、 責 任 限 制 及 除 外 不 保 事 項 有 不 同 規 定 者 外 ):本 公 司 就 本 保 險 單 與 [ 填 寫 保 險 單 名 稱 ] [ 填 寫 保 險 單 號 碼 ] 涉 及 之 所 有 承 保 範 圍 內 產 生 之 所 有 損失 , 合 計 應 負 擔 之 總 責 任 限 額 為 美 金 [ 填 寫 責 任 限 額 ] 元 。本 附 加 條 款 不 增 加 本 保 險 單 之 責 任 限 額 。本 附 加 條 款 未 約 定 事 項 悉 依 本 保 險 單 約 定 辦 理 。<strong>ACE</strong> elite Personal Information Protection Insurance Policy一 、 承 保 範 圍1. Insuring Clause1.1 Cover<strong>ACE</strong> shall pay on behalf of the Insured any Loss arising from any Claim for PrivacyInfringement Liability arising out of the collection, processing and use of PersonalInformation in the conduct of the Business, provided that such Claim:(a) is first made against the Insured during the Period of Insurance and notified to<strong>ACE</strong> in accordance with Clause 4.1 (Notification of Claims); and(b) arises from an act, error or omission of the Insured occurring on or after theRetroactive Date.2. Automatic ExtensionsEach of the following Extensions automatically apply unless otherwise stated in theendorsements. Each of the Extensions is subject to the Schedule, the Excess, InsuringClause, Exclusions, Definitions and other terms of this Policy unless otherwise stated in thisSection 2. None of these Extensions increase the limits of liability specified in the Schedule.2.1 Intellectual Property Infringement<strong>ACE</strong> agrees to extend cover to any Loss resulting from a Claim for unintentionalinfringement of any intellectual property right except patent right and Trade Secret by theInsured directly arising from communications utilising the Internet and media servicesutilising the Internet in the conduct of the Business.2.2 Notification Expenses<strong>ACE</strong> agrees to pay on behalf of the Insured the Notification Expenses.This indemnity is subject to the written consent of <strong>ACE</strong> before the incurring of the costsand expenses. <strong>ACE</strong>’s total liability under this Extension 2.2 shall not exceed US$during the Period of Insurance. This sub-limit shall be part of and not in addition to theLimit of Liability shown in Item 6(a) of the Schedule.The Excess does not apply to this Extension Crisis Management Costs<strong>ACE</strong> agrees to pay on behalf of the Insured the Crisis Management Costs.This indemnity is subject to the written consent of <strong>ACE</strong> before the incurring of the feesand related expenses. <strong>ACE</strong>’s total liability under this Extension 2.3 shall not exceedUS$ during the Period of Insurance. This sub-limit shall be part of and not inaddition to the Limit of Liability shown in Item 6(a) of the Schedule.The Excess does not apply to this Extension Consultants, Contractors, Subcontractors and Agents<strong>ACE</strong> agrees to extend cover to any Loss resulting from a Claim for PrivacyInfringement Liability against the Insured arising from any consultant, contractor,subcontractor or agent of the Insured for whose acts, errors or omissions the Insured islegally liable.This Extension neither affords coverage to any consultant, contractor, subcontractor oragent of the Insured nor makes any such person or entity an Insured.2.5 Defamation<strong>ACE</strong> agrees to extend cover to any Loss resulting from a Claim for defamation by theInsured directly arising from communications utilising the Internet and media servicesutilising the Internet in the conduct of the Business, provided that the Insured did notintend to make the defamatory statement with express malice.411

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