5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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enewed and of the number of premiums paid, the sum insured shall not be cumulativefrom year to year or period to period. By accepting this policy, you are considered tohave given notice to us cancelling any prior policy issued by us. ”In all other respects this policy remains unaltered.<strong>ACE</strong> elite II FraudProtector Insurance PolicySpecific Entities EndorsementBy way of endorsement to the policy, the parties agree as follows (subject otherwise to all otherterms, conditions, limits of liability and exclusions of the policy):It is understood and agreed that the definition of Insured in section 11(l), “MEANING OF THEPOLICY TERMS” is to include the following:v) The definition of Insured excludes the following entities:[insert entity]vi) The definition of Insured includes the following entities:[insert entity]In all other respects this policy remains unaltered.<strong>ACE</strong> elite II FraudProtector Insurance PolicyAssociated Companies ExclusionIt is understood and agreed that the definition of Insured in section 11, Meaning of the PolicyTerms, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:Insured means the policyholder and is deemed to include:-i) all subsidiary existing at or before the inception date (or subsequent renewal date) and inrespect of which we have received a proposal form.ii) any subsidiary acquired or created after the inception date (or subsequent renewal date)from the date of such acquisition as agreed under Extensions.iii) any subsidiary who ceases for any reason to be a subsidiary during the policy period forany internal crime, external crime or theft, physical loss or damage which occurs prior to thedate of cessation.iv) any plan which you maintain on behalf of your employees other than any plan organisedunder the rules or regulations of the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974(USA) and any amendment thereto.In all other respects this policy remains unaltered.<strong>ACE</strong> elite II FraudProtector Insurance PolicyPremium Payback ClauseBy way of endorsement to the policy, the parties agree as follows (subject otherwise to all otherterms, conditions, limits of liability and exclusions of the policy):It is understood that 【 insert the loss notification provided by policyholder】In the event of any notification of loss confirmed as a covered loss under this policy, a【insertpercentage 】additional premium calculated based on the current policy annual premium shallbe paid by you to us. Such additional premium should be deemed due immediately within 30378

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