5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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1. This Policy does not apply to any Claim:(a) based on or arising out of any actions brought by or orders imposed by or fromany national government, regional or local government or any governmentregulator; or(b) based on or arising out of the ownership or operation of any aircraft, marine craftor motor vehicles of any kind; or(c) based on or arising out of any computer virus (or other corrupting or harmfulsoftware code) or the failure to prevent unauthorised access to, or use of, anelectronic system or program; or(d) based on or arising out of any content which is input, published or posted on theInsured’s area of the internet or worldwide web, where input is, or can be,received from the public at large and the Insured has no prior knowledge of thecontent or source of the content; or(e) based on or arising out of discrimination on any basis, including but not limited torace, creed, ethnic background, national origin, religion, age, handicap, gender,marital status or sexual orientation; or(f) based on or arising out of over-redemption of coupons, awards or prizes fromadvertisements, promotions, games sweepstakes, contests and games ofchance.2. Over-redemption means price discounts, prizes, awards or other valuable considerationgiven in excess of the total contracted or expected amount.<strong>ACE</strong> elite Professional Indemnity Insurance PolicyP104 Policy Period ExtensionBy way of endorsement to the policy, the parties agree as follows (subject otherwise to all otherterms, conditions, limits of liability and exclusions of the policy):In consideration of the payment of an additional premium of $[insert amount], Item (5) of theSchedule is amended to read as follows:‘Policy Period: From: [insert inception date of the original policy period]To: [insert expiry date of the extension period]Both dates inclusive<strong>ACE</strong>’s maximum aggregate liability for all Loss, as stated in General Conditions 6.1, shallremain unchanged.<strong>ACE</strong> elite Professional Indemnity Insurance PolicyIt is agreed that:P105 Sanction Clause<strong>ACE</strong> shall not be deemed to provide cover, shall not be liable to pay any Loss, or provide anybenefit under this Policy, to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such Loss,or provision of such benefit would expose <strong>ACE</strong>, its parent or any affiliated company, to anysanction, prohibition or restriction implemented pursuant to resolutions of the United Nations,or the trade and economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan) orthe United States of America.In all other respects this Policy remains unaltered.<strong>ACE</strong> elite Professional Indemnity Insurance PolicyP004 Co-Insurer ClauseIt is hereby agreed that any reference to “<strong>ACE</strong>” shall be deemed to refer to the followinginsurers, but in relation to each only to the extent of their proportion of total liability statedbelow. Each insurer’s obligations are several and not joint and limited solely to the extent of thestated proportion. No insurer is responsible for the proportion of any other insurer who for anyreason does not satisfy all or part of its obligations. The leading insurer (being the first insureridentified below) has been duly authorised by such insurers to sign this Policy on their behalf.Co-Insurer:370

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