5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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pertaining to privacy or copyright, by reason of any matter broadcast or published by or on behalf of theCompany or any Insured.In all other respects this policy remains unaltered.<strong>ACE</strong> elite III Directors & Officers Liability Insurance PolicyE067 Payments and Gratuities ExclusionBy way of endorsement to the policy, the parties agree as follows (subject otherwise to all other terms,conditions, limits of liability and exclusions of the policy):The Insurer shall not be liable to make any payment for Loss directly or indirectly based on, arising fromor attributable toi) payments, commissions, gratuities, benefits or any other favours to or for the benefit of any full orpart-time domestic or foreign officials, agents, representatives, employees, or any members oftheir family or any entity with which they are affiliated; orii)iii)payments, commissions, gratuities, benefits or any other favours to or for the benefit of any full orpart-time domestic or foreign officials, agents, representatives, employees, or affiliates (within themeaning of applicable statutes, bylaws, or other law regulation governing such matters within thejurisdiction of the domicile of the Company, including any of their officers, directors, agents,owners, partners, representatives, principal shareholders or employees) of any customers orpotential customers of the Company or any members of their family or any entity which they areaffiliated, or any Insured; orpolitical contributions, whether domestic or foreign.In all other respects this policy remains unaltered.<strong>ACE</strong> elite III Directors & Officers Liability Insurance PolicyE124 Amendment of Insuring AgreementBy way of endorsement to the policy, the parties agree as follows (subject otherwise to all other terms,conditions, limits of liability and exclusions of the policy):Insuring Agreement B and D are deleted in their entireties.In all other respects this policy remains unaltered.<strong>ACE</strong> elite III Directors & Officers Liability Insurance PolicyE042 Insurance Contract ExclusionBy way of endorsement to the policy, the parties agree as follows (subject otherwise to all other terms,conditions, limits of liability and exclusions of the policy):The Insurer shall not be liable to make any payment for Loss directly or indirectly based on, arising fromor attributable to any Claim alleging any one or more of the following:(1) any refusal to renew or any cancellation of any Insurance Contract;(2) any failure or refusal to pay, or delay in the payment of, benefits due or alleged to have been dueunder any Insurance Contract;259

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