5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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Coverages-PROPERTY DAMAGEThe Company agrees (subject to the terms, exclusions and conditions, both special and general,contained herein or endorsed hereon) to indemnify the Insured for any one Occurrence against physicalloss or physical damage of or to the Property Insured occurring during the Period of Insurance causedsolely and directly by any one or more of the following Perils, but only in respect of the Perils shown asCovered in the Schedule:1. Act of Terrorism and /or Sabotage2. Political Violence:i. Riots, Strikes, Civil Commotion and/or Malicious Damage and /orii. Insurrection, Revolution or Rebellion and /oriii. Mutiny and/or Coup d’Etat and /or3. War and /or Civil War-BUSINESS INTERRUPTION EXTENSIONIn consideration of the premium paid, and subject to the Exclusions, Conditions and Limitations of thePolicy to which this Extension is attached, and also to the following additional Conditions, Exclusionslimitations, this Policy is extended to cover loss resulting from necessary Interruption of Business causedby physical Loss or Damage, (hereinafter termed Damage), as covered by the Policy to which thisExtension is attached, to the Property Insured.Exclusions-PROPERTY DAMAGEThis Policy does not insure against:Radioactive and Nuclear Contamination1. loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from nuclear detonation, nuclear reaction, nuclear radiationor radioactive contamination, however such nuclear detonation, nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation orradioactive contamination may have been causedSeizure2. Loss or damage by seizure or legal or illegal occupation unless physical loss or damage is causeddirectly by a PerilConfiscation, Nationalisation3. loss or damage caused by confiscation, nationalisation, requisition, detention, embargo, quarantine, orany result of any order of public or government authority which deprives the Insured of the use or value ofits property, nor for loss or damage arising from acts of contraband or illegal transportation or illegal tradeSeepage or Pollution4. loss or damage directly or indirectly arising from or in consequence of the seepage and or discharge ofpollutants or contaminants, which pollutants and contaminants shall include but not be limited to any solid,liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant, contaminant or toxic or hazardous substance or any substance thepresence, existence or release of which endangers or threatens to endanger the health, safety or welfareof persons or the environmentChemical or Biological Emission5. loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from or in consequence of chemical or biological emission,release, discharge, dispersal or escape or chemical or biological exposure of any kindAsbestos6. loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from or in consequence of asbestos emission, release,discharge, dispersal or escape or asbestos exposure of any kindFines and Penalty7. any fine or penalty or other assessment which is incurred by the Insured or which is imposed by anycourt, government agency, public or civil authority or any other personElectronic Data8. loss or damage by electronic means including but not limited to computer hacking or the introduction ofany form of computer virus or corrupting or unauthorised instructions or code or the use of anyelectromagnetic weapon240

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