5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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of any products liability claims file at any time during the policy and extensions thereof and within threeyears after the final termination of this policy, as far as they relate to the Products insured under this policy.SOCIAL AND/OR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES CLAUSE(B)It is agreed that this Policy extends to indemnify the Insured for claims in respect of Bodily Injury [insert ifapplicable: (including Bodily Injury sustained by the Insured’s employees)] or damage to propertyoccurring as a result of an accident and happening in connection with social and/or recreational activities.Provided thatA) Such activities are not entitled in indemnity under any other insurance policy, otherwise the indemnitygranted herein will apply only in respect of an amount in excess of that provided by such other policy;B) Such activities shall be deemed as though they were observed or fulfilled by the Insured and be subjectto the terms, exclusions and conditions of this Policy so far as they can apply;C) The limit of indemnity shall apply inclusive of this clause.Additional Insured (Grantor of Licenses Form)It is agreed that the [insert: definition of 2.1 Insured or “Persons Insured” provision] is amended to includeas an insured any person(s) or organization(s) that grants licenses to the Named Insured when theNamed Insured and such person(s) or organization(s) have agreed in writing in a contract or agreementthat such person(s) or organization(s) be named as an additional insured on the Named Insured’s policy.Such person(s) or organization(s) is an insured only with respect to their liability as grantor of licenses tothe Named Insured.A person(s) or organization(s) status as an additional insured under this endorsement ends when:1. The license granted to the Named Insured by such person(s) or organization(s) expires; or2. The Named Insured’s license is terminated or revoked by such person(s) or organization(s) prior toexpiration of the license as stipulated by the contract or agreement.TIE-IN LIMIT CLAUSE (A)By way of endorsement to the Policy, the Company and the Insured agree as follows (subject otherwise toall other Terms, Conditions, Limits of Liability and Exclusions of the Policy and any Schedule[s] and/orendorsement[s] attached thereto):The combined total aggregate limit of liability that the Company shall pay on behalf of the Insured for allsums which the Insured shall be legally liable to pay as Compensation as described under all insurancecoverages under this Policy (insert policy numbers) and the other policy(ies) (insert policy numbers) andSupplementary Payments shall be US$ (insert amount) for any one Occurrence and US$ (insert amount)for all Occurrences in the aggregate for Products Liability and US$ (insert amount) for any oneOccurrence and US$ (insert amount) for all Occurrences in the aggregate for coverages other thanProducts Liability while the specific limit and/or sub-limit for any one Occurrence and for all Occurrences in200

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