5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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The following definitions apply to HUMAN CLINICAL TRIALS LIABILITY COVERAGE. The definitions inSECTION V – DEFINITIONS of the COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM also applyto HUMAN CLINICAL TRIALS LIABILITY COVERAGE, and are incorporated herein by reference thereto.If there is a conflict between one or more definitions in SECTION V- DEFINITIONS and the followingdefinitions, the following definitions shall control. The singular of a term includes the plural, and vice versa.A. “Biologic” means any product (such as a globulin, serum, vaccine, antitoxin, antigen or analogousproduct) used in the prevention of treatment of sickness or disease. Biologic products also includeblood and blood components used for transfusion or for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals derived fromblood and blood components, such as clotting factors.B. “Claim” means:1. A written demand for damages alleging “bodily injury” or “property damage” to which this HUMANCLINICAL TRIALS LIABILITY COVERAGE applies;2. A civil proceeding for damages alleging “bodily injury” or “property damage” to which this HUMANCLINICAL TRIALS LIABILITY COVERAGE applies;3. An arbitration proceeding in which such damages are claimed and to which the insured mustsubmit or does submit with our prior written consent; or4. Any other alternative dispute resolution proceeding in which such damages are claimed and towhich the insured submits with our prior written consent.C. “Clinical study incident” means one or more of the following:1. any anticipated or unanticipated result of, or reaction to, “clinical studies”,2. an actual or alleged negligent act, error or omission in the preparation, compilation or drafting of thewritten protocol for the “clinical studies”, and/or3. the alleged negligent hiring, retention, or supervision of a third party clinical research or sitemanagement organization, or any other third party under written contract to perform or manage “clinicalstudies”.All “clinical study incidents” that are logically or causally connected to each other by any common fact,180

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