5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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SOCIAL AND/OR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES CLAUSEIt is agreed that this Policy extends to indemnify the Insured for claims in respect of Bodily Injury [insert ifapplicable: (including Bodily Injury sustained by the Insured’s employees)] or damage to propertyoccurring as a result of an accident and happening in connection with social and/or recreational activities.Provided thatA) Such activities are not entitled in indemnity under any other insurance policy, otherwise the indemnitygranted herein will apply only in respect of an amount in excess of that provided by such other policy;B) Such activities shall be deemed as though they were observed or fulfilled by the Insured and besubject to the terms, exclusions and conditions of this Policy so far as they can apply;C) The limit of indemnity shall apply inclusive of this clause.D) Such coverage afforded by this endorsement shall not apply to any liability arising out of any kind ofracing, competition, and/or engaging in any sport in a professional capacity where the Insured would orcould earn income or remuneration from engaging in such sport as sole source of income, BungeeJumping, Rock-Climbing, Mountain-Climbing, Diving, Snowboarding, Skiing, Parachuting, Hangliding,Paragliding, Wrestling, Horsemanship, Water Sports (except Swimming and Water Fun Contests) andCar/Motor-Bike/Bike Racing.MAINTENANCE OF UNDERLYING POLICIES CLAUSENotwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, it is a condition precedent to any liability underthis Policy that you shall maintain the underlying policies with policy territory apply to (InsertTerritory/Country) and renewals or replacements thereof with limits and coverage not more restrictivethan as stated below in full effect during the Policy Period, except for any reduction or exhaustion of theaggregate limit or limits contained in such policies solely by payment of claims arising out of Occurrencescovered thereunder. Failure to comply with the foregoing or bankruptcy or insolvency of any of theunderlying Insurers shall not invalidate this Policy but in the event of such circumstances the Companyshall be liable only to the extent that it would have been liable had such circumstances not existed duringthe Policy Period.The addition of this endorsement does not imply that other policy provisions do not otherwise preclude orexclude coverage for any such claims, suits or proceedings.Underlying Insurances:Underlying Carrier: [Insert Carrier]158

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