5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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SCHEDULEPerson or Organization: [Insert, e.g. All Landlords of Named Insured Located in Worldwide].The Definition of 2.1 Insured is amended to include as an Insured the person or organization shown in theabove Schedule but only with respect to liability arising out of the ownership of the premises leased toNamed Insured and subject to the following additional exclusion:This insurance does not apply to:1. Any Occurrence which takes place after Named Insured ceases to be a tenant in that premises.2. Structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of theperson or organization shown in the Schedule.LOCAL POLICIES CLAUSEIt is understood and agreed that premiums and claims payable under local policies issued by theCompany and its subsidiaries or affiliates overseas (or any other Insurance Company authorised by theCompany) will be debited or credited to this Policy which applied as Master Policy, thus making them anintegral part of this Policy.Local Policies are issued in the following countries:[insert country]It is further agreed that the local policy limit is non stacking and our maximum liability under this Policy is[insert amount] in aggregate. The local policy will reduce or exhaust the Policy limit due to loss payment,this Policy will continue in force as excess of the reduced local policy limit, or in the event of exhaustion ofthe local policy, continue in force as underlying insurance, but the Limit of Liability under this Policy shallbe limited to the difference between the Limit of Liability on the Schedule and the applicable underlyinglimit.LANDLORD’S/LESSOR’S LIABILITY CLAUSE – WITH EXECPTION OF SPECIFIEDINSURED PREMISESThis Policy is extended to cover the legal liability of the Insured as a landlord/lessor under the sub-limit of[insert amount] any occurrence and annual aggregate for the claims made against the Insured foraccidental Bodily Injury of and/or accidental Property Damage to any third party caused by fire to all theinsured premises owned by the Insured but leased or rented out except [Insert factory and address.]The inclusion of the above-said extension coverage doesn’t represent the other coverages of the Policyalso provide this extension coverage.153

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