5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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(3) for which [Insert company name] has the responsibility of placing or providinginsurance.For purposes of this provision, “control” means that [Insert company name] owns amajority ownership in, or has management control over, the entity.2. No past, present or future officer, director, executive officer, employee, employee, volunteer,volunteer worker, or stockholder of [Insert company name], however those terms are defined ordesignated in this Policy, is a Named Insured or Insured or entitled to received proceeds orbenefits under this Policy for actual or alleged liability based upon, attributable to, arising out of, orresulting from his or her status as such officer, director, executive officer, employee, employee,volunteer, volunteer worker, or stockholder.3. SECTION 1 - COVERAGES of the COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY is amended by addingthe following provision:There is no coverage under this Policy, including any endorsement hereto, for any injury, damage,loss, cost, expense, claim, Suit, liability (including, but not limited to, liability which the Insured hasassumed in a contract or agreement, regardless of whether such contract or agreement is anInsured Contract) or obligation actually or allegedly caused by, resulting from, based upon, arisingout of, or attributable to operations of, or goods or products manufactured, sold, handled,distributed or disposed of by, [Insert company name].All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.PROPERTY DAMAGE TO “YOUR PRODUCT” EXCLUSIONThis endorsement modifies insurance under the following:It is agreed that SECTION 1 COVERAGES, COVERAGE A. BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTYDAMAGE LIABILITY, EXCLUSINS, Property Damage to “Your Product” is amended by adding thefollowing:However, for purposes of applying this exclusion, “your product” means only:1. An integral component of a product or good, other than real property,manufactured, sold, handled, distributed or disposed of by:a. You;b. Others trading under your name; orc. A person or organization whose business or assets the you have acquired,135

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