5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

5-2 承保範圍及不保事項 - ACE Group

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3.1 Event meansThe first discovery by the Named Insured that the use or consumption of any Product hasresulted or may result in bodily injury, death, illness or disability or physical damage to ordestruction of tangible property which necessitates Recall, but only where such Recall isnecessary because of:-1.15.1 the accidental omission of a substance in the manufacture of the Product, or1.15.2 the accidental introduction or the accidental substitution of a deleterious substance inthe manufacture of the Product, or1.15.3 error or deficiency in the manufacture, design, blending, mixing compounding orlabelling of the Product, but only if such error or deficiency is known or recognised assuch in the industry, or1.15.4 a ruling of a government or other regulatory body requiring the Named Insured torecall any Product as a result of any of the matters set out in clauses 3.1.1, 3.1.2 or3.1.3 above. However, the matters set out in clauses 3.1.1, 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 need nothave occurred where the Product is not manufactured by the Named Insuredprovided that the Recall is unintended and unexpected from the standpoint of theNamed Insured.3.2 Genetic Modification meansThe modification of any living organism in which the genetic material has been altered throughgene technology.3.3 Insured (Named Insured) meansThe Named Insured shown on Item A of the Products Recall Expense Insurance Schedule.3.4 Product meansGoods or product(s) as specified in Item D of the Schedule (after they have ceased to be in thepossession or under the control of the Named Insured) manufactured, sold, supplied ordistributed by the Named Insured including any container thereof other than a vehicleassociated with such container.3.5 Products Recall Expense means123

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