Spring 2012 - WSU Press - Washington State University

Spring 2012 - WSU Press - Washington State University Spring 2012 - WSU Press - Washington State University

<strong>Spring</strong><strong>2012</strong><strong>WSU</strong> PRESS

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NEW TITLEPlanet Rock DocNuggets from Explorations of the Natural WorldDr. Elsa Kirsten PetersPassion is meant to be shared,and Dr. Elsa Kirsten Peters, alsoknown as the Rock Doc, regularlyconveys her enthusiasm for allthings science in her nationallysyndicated column. Now thecurious geologist has compiledher favorites, along with a fewnew contributions, in Planet RockDoc.With her wry sense of humor,personal anecdotes, and knackfor explaining the complex insimple terms, Peters stretches far beyond geology toexplore a wide range of topics related to natural andapplied sciences. In the process, she reflects on the5½" x 8¼" • 184 pagesPaperback • $22.95ISBN 978-0-87422-310-1Available in April <strong>2012</strong>remarkable observations and inventions cultivatedby great minds of the past. She comments oncurrent debates, and she lends promise to thefuture, illuminating cutting-edge research.For easy access, articles are arranged by subjectmatter—geology and paleontology, energy andengines, food and agriculture, climate change,human health, biology, physics, chemistry,astronomy, and education and history.Dr. Peters, a native of rural <strong>Washington</strong><strong>State</strong>, earned her doctorate from the Earth andPlanetary Sciences Department at Harvard<strong>University</strong>. She taught undergraduate-levelcourses for a decade and is the author or co-authorof numerous journal articles, as well as severaltextbooks.Charts • notes • references6" x 9" • 280 pagesPaperback • $25.95ISBN 0-87422-308-8RECENT RELEASESGoverning <strong>Washington</strong>Politics and Government inthe Evergreen <strong>State</strong>Edited by Cornell W. Clayton andNicholas P. LovrichAmerican states have recentlyreemerged as powerful centersof legislative change and policyinnovation, and <strong>Washington</strong>is no exception. Drawing fromPopulist and Progressive Eraroots, Evergreen <strong>State</strong> voterscontinue to construct theirown brand of democracy andweave strands from the past intocurrent political fiber. Yet other trends suggest anunpredictable future. In Governing <strong>Washington</strong>,contemporary research and updated analysis fromprominent regional authorities and commentatorsexamine these themes and more, and provide aseasoned perspective on the state’s ever-changingpolitical landscape.Made in HanfordThe Bomb that Changedthe WorldHill WilliamsIn 1942, a small plane carrying Lt.Col. Franklin T. Matthias and twoDuPont engineers flew over threefarming communities in eastern<strong>Washington</strong>. The passengersagreed. Isolated and near thepowerful Columbia River, theregion was the ideal site for theworld’s first plutonium factory.Two years later, built with a speedand secrecy unheard of today,the facility was operational. Theplutonium it produced fueled the bomb dropped onNagasaki, Japan, in 1945. Hill Williams traces theamazing but also tragic story—from the dawn ofnuclear science through World War II and Cold Wartesting in the Marshall Islands.Related interest: America’s Nuclear Wastelands, page 4Photographs • maps • bibliography5½" x 8¼" • 208 pagesPaperback • $22.95ISBN 978-0-87422-307-1Call 800-354-7360 to order by phone3

CURRENT BEST SELLERSHorse Camping[Revised Edition]George B. HatleyPhotographs by Lewis PortnoyForeword by Juli S. ThorsonUsing photos taken in Idaho’s magnificent Seven Devilswilderness, a consummate cattle rancher and trail guideadvises pack trip enthusiasts with a practical and uniquely sageperspective.136 pages (2010) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-303-3 • $24.95Forgotten TrailsHistorical Sources of the Columbia’s Big Bend CountryRon AnglinEdited by Glen W. LindemanFirsthand accounts, together with a chapter on traditionalPlateau Indian culture and an oral history describing 19thcentury Indian life, render a portrait of the region’s trails andtravelers during its flamboyant and exciting frontier era.304 pages (1995) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-116-9 • $19.95GreenscapesOlmsted’s Pacific NorthwestJoan HockadayIn the early twentieth century, the meticulous and visionarylandscape-architect John Charles Olmsted designed greenretreats that still refresh urban souls in Portland, Seattle, andSpokane.196 pages (2009) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-298-2 • $29.95Finding Chief KamiakinThe Life and Legacy of a Northwest PatriotRichard D. Scheuerman and Michael O. FinleyPhotography by John ClementA mid-1800s surge of immigrants incited a cataclysmicupheaval that jeopardized the very existence of the Plateau’snative people. Chief Kamiakin, a prominent Yakama leader,resolved to resist threats to their lands and traditional way oflife.248 pages (2008) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-297-5 • $34.95Buffalo CoatCarol Ryrie BrinkThe Newbery Medal-winner’s first adult novel tells the tale ofthree doctors who came to Opportunity, Idaho, in the 1890s,when owning a great buffalo coat symbolized financial success.At first the trio achieved their dreams, but then, one by one,each came to a heartbreaking end.421 pages (1993) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-095-7 • $19.95For more from this New York Times bestselling author, see page 6.The Way We AtePacific Northwest Cooking, 1843–1900Jacqueline B. WilliamsAn award-winning food historian describes cooking and diningpractices from the earliest years of settlement to the time whenrailroads transported the latest ingredients and utensils, sheddingsignificant light on a mundane aspect of our past.240 pages (1996) • Hardbound • ISBN 978-0-87422-137-4 • $22.95Crooked River CountryWranglers, Rogues, and BaronsDavid BralyNorth Central Oregon’s hostile country and severe climate bredgenuine Wild West legends—hardy souls who defied immenseadversity. Despite range wars, drought, lawlessness, and economicdepression, a harsh wilderness ultimately became an industrialpower.344 pages (2007) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-293-7 • $24.95Season of SufferingComing of Age in Occupied France, 1940–45Nicole H. TaflingerThe Nazi invasion forever altered 13-year-old Nicole Braux’sworld in 1940. At 17, she found herself deeply in love with anAmerican pilot. Her candid memoir conveys her experiences asa passionate French adolescent under German occupation—anexistence drenched in deprivation and despair, but also touchedby miraculous events and unexpected romance.168 pages (2010) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-305-7 • $22.95Splendid ServiceThe Montana National Guard, 1867–2006Edited by Orlan J. SvingenMontana National Guard members have served honorablyduring natural disasters and wars. Splendid Service recounts theorganization’s history—the achievements, failures, and sacrificesintrinsic to military life and war.544 pages (2010) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-286-9 • $29.95In the Shadow of the MountainThe Spirit of the CCCEdwin G. HillA typical recruit in the Civilian Conservation Corps describes“the best years of his life” at Camp Hard Labor Creek inGeorgia and in the shadow of Mount Adams and Mount St.Helens in <strong>Washington</strong>.208 pages (1990) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-073-5 • $14.50Terra NorthwestInterpreting People and PlaceEdited by David H. StrattonEminent Pacific Northwest historians probe the region’schanging society and culture. Essays examine Spanishexploration, Native American religion and worldview,Canadian-United <strong>State</strong>s political relations, WWIIimmigration, women’s history, and more.232 pages (2007) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-291-3 • $21.95America’s Nuclear WastelandsPolitics, Accountability, and CleanupMax S. PowerAmerica’s Nuclear Wastelands presents an expert, yetstraightforward, overview of this complex topic, includingnuclear weapons history and contamination issues.216 pages (2008) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-295-1 • $19.954Shop online at wsupress.wsu.edu

<strong>WSU</strong> PRESS CLASSICSWandering and FeastingA <strong>Washington</strong> CookbookMary Houser CaditzIn celebration of <strong>Washington</strong>’s bounty, Wandering and Feastingtakes readers on an exciting culinary journey throughout thestate. Vignettes on local communities note each region’s historyand its native and cultivated foods, which are highlighted inmore than two hundred delicious recipes.352 pages (1996) • Spiral • ISBN 978-0-87422-138-1 • $29.95Surviving the Oregon Trail, 1852As Told by Mary Ann and Willis Boatman and Augmentedwith Accounts by other Overland TravelersWeldon Willis RauThe great 1852 overland migration was a year in which choleratook a terrible toll on lives. Firsthand accounts, including thewords and thoughts of the young, recently-married Boatmans,convey the journey’s hardship and heartbreak.256 pages (2001) • Hardbound • ISBN 978-0-8722-237-1 • $35Not As BriefedFrom the Doolittle Raid to a German StalagColonel C. Ross GreeningCompiled and edited by Dorothy Greening and KarenMorgan DriscollRoss Greening piloted a B-25 in the 1942 Doolittle Raid,was shot down over Italy in 1943, escaped from a POWtrain, hid out in the mountains of northern Italy, andended up in a German stalag. His remarkable paintingsand writing recall his World War II experiences.208 pages (2001) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-259-3 • $31.95FarallonShipwreck and Survival on the Alaska ShoreSteve K. LloydIn 1910, the steamship Farallon ran aground in Cook Inlet,stranding the crew and passengers on the barren shore. Lloyd’sriveting writing paired with amazing photographs taken by theship’s mail clerk reveal a tale of hardy seafaring men survivinghunger and despair under brutal circumstances.224 pages (2000) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-194-7 • $18.95The Funhouse MirrorReflections on PrisonRobert Ellis GordonRobert Ellis Gordon’s account of teaching writing in <strong>Washington</strong>prisons is aided by essays and stories contributed by the prisonersthemselves. Together, Gordon and his students provide revealingglimpses of this vast, secret-laden subculture of incarceratedindividuals, which nationwide comprises more than two millionU.S. citizens.132 pages (2000) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-198-5 • $16.95Grand CouleeHarnessing a DreamPaul C. Pitzer<strong>Washington</strong> <strong>State</strong>Book Award, 2000Railroad ShutterbugJim Fredrickson’s Northern PacificSpectacular photographs and engaging yarns fromFredrickson’s 39-year career depict the last glories of theNorthern Pacific’s steam era.160 pages (2000) • Hardbound • ISBN 978-0-87422-195-4 • $45Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-197-8 • $29.95More titles by Jim Fredrickson on page 7The struggle for Grand Coulee Dam and the story of itsconstruction is a saga of people striving for dazzling goals andthen working, often against each other and nature, to completethe spectacular project.552 pages (1994) • Hardbound • ISBN 978-0-87422-113-8 • $42Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-110-7 • $24.95Native RiverThe Columbia RememberedWilliam D. LaymanIn images and narratives, Native River recreates the Mid-Columbia as it was before the building of seven major dams.Featuring a wealth of illustrations, maps, and photographs,many never-before-published, this finely crafted book focuseson the 350-mile reach of the middle Columbia River.208 pages (2002) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-257-9 • $29.95The Restless NorthwestA Geological StoryHill WilliamsIn an easy, conversational style, The Restless Northwest providesa brief overview of the remarkable geological processes that haveshaped the Pacific Northwest.176 pages (2002) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-250-0 • $19.95The Mapmaker’s EyeDavid Thompson on the Columbia PlateauJack NisbetExperience the sweep of human and natural history on theearly nineteenth-century Columbia Plateau through the eyes ofintrepid explorer and cartographer, David Thompson.192 pages (2005) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-285-2 • $29.95NOVELs by karl may<strong>Washington</strong> <strong>State</strong>Book Award, 2003Two lively English translations escort readers back intime to the daring adventures of Old Shatterhand andthe Apache chief, Winnetou.WinnetouTranslated and Abridged by David Koblick256 pages (1999) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-179-4 • $16.95The Oil PrinceTranslated by Herbert Windolf368 pages (2003) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-262-3 • $18.95Books by LADD HAMILTONSnowboundSnowbound is the scandalous, true tale of the Carlinparty in 1893, whose adventure of a lifetime turnedtragic.248 pages (1997) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-154-1 • $19.95This Bloody DeedThe Magruder IncidentIn the 1860s, a popular businessman was murdered inthe Bitterroot Mountains. Vivid storytelling brings thesearch for his killer to life.280 pages (1994) • Paperback • ISBN 978-0-87422-107-7 • $19.95Call 800-354-7360 to order by phone5

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