Vision Fund

Vision Fund Vision Fund


FINANCIALSTATEMENT OF CHANGES INEQUITY​for the YEAR ENDED31 DEC. 2012Share Retainedcapital earnings TotalKHR'000 KHR’000 KHR’000Balance as at 1 January 2011 31,375,700 6,174,254 37,549,954Converted from borrwings 4,592,800 - 4,592,800Net profit for the year - 7,184,624 7,184,624Balance as at 31 Dec. 2011 35,968,500 13,358,878 49,327,378Converted from borrwings 4,394,200 - 4,394,200Net profit for the year - 9,617,604 9,617,604Balance as at 31 Dec. 2012 40,362,700 22,976,482 63,339,182(US$ equivalents-Note 4) 10,103,304 5,751,310 15,854,614(At year-end exchange rate)50 VISIONFUND CAMBODIA ANNUAL REPORT 2012

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWSFOR THE YEAR ENDED31 DEC. 201231 December 2012 31 December 2011KHR'000 US$ KHR'000 US$(At year-end(At year-endexchange rate)exchange rate)Cash flows from operating activitiesNet cash used in operating activities (25,921,930) (6,488,593) (19,941,279) (4,937,183)Cash flows from investing activitiesAcquisition of property and equipment (1,288,820) (322,608) (1,154,758) (285,902)Acquisition of intangible assets (1,109,266) (277,664) (67,205) (16,639)Proceeds from disposals of propertyand equipment - - 27,889 6,905Investment (751) (188) (60,585) (15,000)Net cash used in investing activities (2,398,837) (600,460) (1,254,659) (310,636)Cash flows from financing activitiesProceeds from related parties 19,320,979 4,836,290 21,531,853 5,330,986Repayments of term loan torelated party (15,194,737) (3,803,439) (6,918,350) (1,712,887)Proceeds from borrowings 49,219,290 12,320,223 56,578,469 14,008,039Repayments of borrowings (24,999,884) (6,257,793) (54,357,546) (13,458,169)Net cash generated fromfinancing activities 28,345,648 7,095,281 16,834,426 4,167,969Net increase/(decrease) in cashand cash equivalents 24,881 6,228 (4,361,512) (1,079,850)Cash and cash equivalents atthe beginning of the year 14,672,929 3,672,823 19,034,441 4,712,662Cash and cash equivalents atthe end of the year 14,697,810 3,679,051 14,672,929 3,632,812VISIONFUND CAMBODIA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 51

FINANCIALSTATEMENT OF CHANGES INEQUITY​for the YEAR ENDED31 DEC. 2012Share Retainedcapital earnings TotalKHR'000 KHR’000 KHR’000Balance as at 1 January 2011 31,375,700 6,174,254 37,549,954Converted from borrwings 4,592,800 - 4,592,800Net profit for the year - 7,184,624 7,184,624Balance as at 31 Dec. 2011 35,968,500 13,358,878 49,327,378Converted from borrwings 4,394,200 - 4,394,200Net profit for the year - 9,617,604 9,617,604Balance as at 31 Dec. 2012 40,362,700 22,976,482 63,339,182(US$ equivalents-Note 4) 10,103,304 5,751,310 15,854,614(At year-end exchange rate)50 VISIONFUND CAMBODIA ANNUAL REPORT 2012

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