Vision Fund

Vision Fund Vision Fund


SOCIAL IMPACTEDUCATION LOANVisionFund Cambodia developed a special loanproduct to target families whose children withoutstanding academic performance cannot pursuetheir higher education or vocational skills trainingdue to their financial constraints. The education loanamounts are up to US$2,000 and are repayable ininstalments for up to five years. It enables borrowers’children to complete vocational skills training, a fouryearBachelor’s Degree program or a Master’s Degreeprogram.LOAN FOR RURAL RICE MILLERCOOPERATIVESVisionFund Cambodia has for long offered theAssociation Loan to two rice miller cooperatives,one in Takeo and another in Kompong Chhnang. Thecooperatives were managed by CEDAC. Recently wehave extended such loan to a rice miller cooperative(185 households) in Kompong Chhnang, which isestimated to impact about 6,000 poor villagers in 7villages. They earned an income from the sales of milledrice, rice bran, fragmented rice bits and un-husked rice.We will continue to offer this type of loan to more ofWVC Agriculture Cooperatives and any other WVCfacilitatedassociations in the not-so-distant future.LOAN FOR VICTIMS OF NATURALDISASTERS AND CASH-FOR-WORKPROJECTThe effect of the devastating 2009 Ketsana stormon the lives of thousands of Cambodians in severalnorthern and north-eastern provinces promptedVisionFund Cambodia to innovate a special loan forthe victims and others affected by natural disasters,such as floods, drought spells, storms, etc.The Express (Emergency) Loan is designed for theaffected households to restart or start small businessor agricultural activities to increase their householdincome in the aftermath of natural disasters. The loansizes range up to US$250 and do not require anycollateral.Special attention and support is provided for thisgroup of clientele, including assistance in formulatingthe business plan and money management to ensurethat our loan will not add further financial stress andburden to them.VisionFund Cambodia also partnered with WVCin early 2012 and with Oxfam Great Britain in late2012 to deliver cash-for-work project that requiredVisionFund field staff to transport and hand in cash toapproximately 3,000 beneficiaries of WVC and 2,000beneficiaries of Oxfarm Great Britain respectivelyin Kandal and Kompong Thom province, where theywere badly affected by the 2011 floods.LOAN FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIESCambodia records one of the highest rates of peoplewith disabilities in the world after prolonged civil warand consequential poverty. To play a role in empoweringthis particular group, VisionFund Cambodia deliversloans to clients with some forms of disabilities. Thefinancial aid offers hope and restores self-esteem tomany disabled Cambodians. We currently have 302disabled clients (US$98,747 loan portfolio).LOAN FOR HIV/AIDS AFFECTED ANDOVC HOUSEHOLDSIn partnership with the Khmer HIV/AIDS NGOAlliance (KHANA), VisionFund Cambodia began tooffer financial services to HIV/AIDS affected and OVChouseholds in Kampong Cham in 2007, with the aim toovercome barriers to economic opportunities facedby them.36 VISIONFUND CAMBODIA ANNUAL REPORT 2012

The innovative microfinance approach, the first of itskind in Cambodia, continues and even expands furtherwith WVC until today. We’ve currently served 191 HIV/AIDS affected and OVC households (US$34,685 loanportfolio) in all the provinces/ cities we operate. Withmicrofinance, the typically marginalized groups canincrease their income, better adhere to antiretroviraltherapy, experience less stigma and discrimination andregain optimism for their lives.LOAN TO PROMOTE CHILDREN’SRIGHTSVisionFund Cambodia collaborates with the nationaloffices of the International Labor Organization (ILO)and Plan International Cambodia to provide loans tofamilies in impoverished households with the aim togenerate income and with an emphasis on protectingthe rights of children.The partnerships are intended to enable vulnerablechildren to enjoy better opportunities including accessto education instead of needing to work to supporttheir families. An estimated 12,190 children werecurrently impacted by the loans of US$199,050 givento the families of the targeted groups in Phnom Penh,its outskirts and Kampong Cham and Siem Reap.CHILD SCHOLARSHIP/ BEST CLIENTPROGRAMTo help instil hope and aspiration for Cambodia’snext generation, VisionFund Cambodia has offeredscholarship to children of clients since 2007. To date,46 children of our clients have received annual cashscholarship worth US$100 to go toward schoolmaterials while the remaining funds are kept as child’ssavings till the completion of their high school.The scholarship inspires clients, especially ruralvillagers, to place greater value and importance on theirchild’s education, which often is given lower priority inrural areas. It is one of the benefits given to our bestclients selected annually based on a number of criteriaincluding their success in using the loan in generatingfar-reaching impact for their own households. Anoutstanding client who uses our financial serviceseffectively serves as a role model to inspire success inothers by using financial services effectively. Over thepast four years, 56 of our best performing clients havebeen selected to represent the majority of VisionFundCambodia’s clients who have enjoyed better livingstandards thanks to our loans.FINANCIAL EDUCATION ANDDEVELOPMENT MESSAGESAs part of improving loan quality with a strong socialfocus, VisionFund Cambodia has on top of its financialservice delivery provided financial education anddevelopment messages to create financial strength,one client at a time. Clients receive consultations onbusinesses and cash management including tips forcost minimization and profit maximization. VisionFundCambodia staff also actively promote social messageseducating clients about domestic violence, HIV & AIDSVISIONFUND CAMBODIA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 37

SOCIAL IMPACTEDUCATION LOAN<strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia developed a special loanproduct to target families whose children withoutstanding academic performance cannot pursuetheir higher education or vocational skills trainingdue to their financial constraints. The education loanamounts are up to US$2,000 and are repayable ininstalments for up to five years. It enables borrowers’children to complete vocational skills training, a fouryearBachelor’s Degree program or a Master’s Degreeprogram.LOAN FOR RURAL RICE MILLERCOOPERATIVES<strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia has for long offered theAssociation Loan to two rice miller cooperatives,one in Takeo and another in Kompong Chhnang. Thecooperatives were managed by CEDAC. Recently wehave extended such loan to a rice miller cooperative(185 households) in Kompong Chhnang, which isestimated to impact about 6,000 poor villagers in 7villages. They earned an income from the sales of milledrice, rice bran, fragmented rice bits and un-husked rice.We will continue to offer this type of loan to more ofWVC Agriculture Cooperatives and any other WVCfacilitatedassociations in the not-so-distant future.LOAN FOR VICTIMS OF NATURALDISASTERS AND CASH-FOR-WORKPROJECTThe effect of the devastating 2009 Ketsana stormon the lives of thousands of Cambodians in severalnorthern and north-eastern provinces prompted<strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia to innovate a special loan forthe victims and others affected by natural disasters,such as floods, drought spells, storms, etc.The Express (Emergency) Loan is designed for theaffected households to restart or start small businessor agricultural activities to increase their householdincome in the aftermath of natural disasters. The loansizes range up to US$250 and do not require anycollateral.Special attention and support is provided for thisgroup of clientele, including assistance in formulatingthe business plan and money management to ensurethat our loan will not add further financial stress andburden to them.<strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia also partnered with WVCin early 2012 and with Oxfam Great Britain in late2012 to deliver cash-for-work project that required<strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> field staff to transport and hand in cash toapproximately 3,000 beneficiaries of WVC and 2,000beneficiaries of Oxfarm Great Britain respectivelyin Kandal and Kompong Thom province, where theywere badly affected by the 2011 floods.LOAN FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIESCambodia records one of the highest rates of peoplewith disabilities in the world after prolonged civil warand consequential poverty. To play a role in empoweringthis particular group, <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia deliversloans to clients with some forms of disabilities. Thefinancial aid offers hope and restores self-esteem tomany disabled Cambodians. We currently have 302disabled clients (US$98,747 loan portfolio).LOAN FOR HIV/AIDS AFFECTED ANDOVC HOUSEHOLDSIn partnership with the Khmer HIV/AIDS NGOAlliance (KHANA), <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia began tooffer financial services to HIV/AIDS affected and OVChouseholds in Kampong Cham in 2007, with the aim toovercome barriers to economic opportunities facedby them.36 VISIONFUND CAMBODIA ANNUAL REPORT 2012

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