Vision Fund

Vision Fund Vision Fund


ABOUT USenjoy good living conditions and strong mutualcooperation, with the right and power to determinetheir own destiny, as well as playing an importantrole in supplying healthy food for the whole society.The partnership between CEDAC and VisionFundCambodia started in 2009 to provide farmers enoughcapital to increase their farming and agriculturalprocess through the purchase of necessary agriculturalequipment. By 2012, VisionFund has provided loansbenefiting 602 households.PATH is an international non-profit organization thattransforms global health through innovation. PATHtakes an entrepreneurial approach to developingand delivering high-impact, low-cost solutions, fromlifesaving vaccines and devices to collaborativeprograms with communities. PATH has collaboratedwith Hydrologic Social Enterprise to partner withVisionFund Cambodia since early 2011 to first pilotwater purifier program in Kompong Speu to promotewater and sanitation hygiene. The pilot proved quitesuccessful and was later scaled up throughoutKompong Speu and other provinces, such as Kandal,Takeo and Kompong Cham, even in closer partnershipwith VisionFund Cambodia. We’ve currently had 12,644clients (US$293,061 portfolio) who used the loan topurchase water purifiers/ filters.In early 2012, we started to pilot another new relatedsanitation financing product (for latrines) in Kandalprovince in a tripartite partnership between PATH, iDEand VisionFund Cambodia to promote basic hygieneand sanitation. Overall, we’ve currently had 1,658clients with a total loan portfolio of US$108,898.iDE (International Development Enterprise) focuseson developing market systems to serve the needs ofthe poor in developing countries. For more than eightyears in Cambodia, Vietnam, Timor Leste, Laos, andnow in Nepal and Bangladesh, iDE has been a pioneerin the application of market-based approaches toimprove household water treatment, sanitation andhand washing (WASH) in rural areas. iDE’s approachexploits the comparative advantages of the privatesector,government, and NGOs to reach large numbersof poor households in short timeframes.ISS (International Solar Solutions) offers a wide rangeof turnkey solar products, such as solar panel, electricalcharge controllers, batteries and inverters from variousinternational brands including Mitsubishi, Showa Shell(Japan), German Solar and Sun Power (USA). VisionFundCambodia has launched a new social product called“solar energy loan” in partnership with ISS. We offerloan to clients to purchase solar kits for home lightingas part of promoting child education at night andcontributing to the reduction of global greenhouseeffect. Solar Energy Loan product was pioneeredlaunched in Kampong Thom in 2011 and currently hasabout 31 clients, with a US$4,843 portfolio.Following in the footsteps of iDE’s long traditionof expertise and know-how, Hydrologic today isan independent legal entity and social enterprisedelivering safe drinking water to more than half amillion Cambodian people through the well-knownTunsai CWP. In order to tackle the poor drinkingwater conditions in rural areas, Tunsai (rabbit) ceramicwater purifier (CWP) was introduced by InternationalDevelopment Enterprises (iDE) in 2001.ADRA (Adventist Development & Relief Agency)focuses primarily on sustainable, long term developmentprojects with the rural poor and with populations thatare at risk. ADRA assists those in needs without regardto ethnic, political or religious affiliation.Since early 2010 VisionFund Cambodia and ADRAhas been partnering in Phnom Kravanh District,Pursat Province. ADRA’s beneficiaries borrowedfrom VisionFund Cambodia mainly for agriculturalproduction and for starting or expanding their smallbusinesses. There are currently 662 clients with a totalloan portfolio of US$184,512.30 VISIONFUND CAMBODIA ANNUAL REPORT 2012

WaterSHED Cambodia is a local NGO that facilitatesaccess to affordable and desirable water and sanitationproducts that increase adoption and proper use amongthe rural poor. Using proven, market-based principles,WaterSHED leverages the power of private enterpriseto bring water, health and prosperity to the people ofSoutheast Asia. WaterSHED entered a collaborativepartnership with VisionFund Cambodia in mid-2012 todisburse sanitation financing loan to enable the ruralpoor to buy latrines in selected areas.Oxfam Great Britain is a humanitarian and developmentorganization with 70 years of worldwideexperience in community development. In late 2012,Oxfam Great Britain partnered with VisionFundCambodia to handle a cash-for-work project for thevictims of the 2011 floods in Kompong Thom province.A cash-for-work donation was handed by VisionFundfield staff as contracted with the Oxfam Great Britainfor the cash delivery service for 2,000 households.Each household received 24,300 Riels (US$6.075).Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission toconnect people through lending to alleviate poverty.Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network ofmicrofinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lendas little as US$25 to help create opportunity aroundthe world. VisionFund Cambodia first became Kiva’sfield partner in September 2011 with a pilot statusrolling out in only 2 provinces and then was upgradedto active status in April 2012 which has enabledVisionFund Cambodia to expand this partnershipfor six provinces. With its strong social mission andremarkable works, VisionFund Cambodia was grantedfive social performance badges out of a total of sevenbadges for its anti-poverty focus, client voice, family andcommunity empowerment, facilitation of saving, andinnovation and also is approved to post three differentloan schemes - Regular Loan, Higher Educationand Water Loan scheme - on the Kiva website forfundraising.PKMI is the first and only licensed micro-insurer inCambodia. It is a subsidiary of Groupe PREVOIR,French Insurance Company, over 100 years expertise inhealth and life. PKMI’s primary strategic focus is Microinsurancefor low income earners. Our partnershipwith PKMI started in November 2012. This partnershipbuilds a mutual benefit providing our clients withsimple, low-cost, quality insurance solutions. Throughthis insurance service, it will help to secure the incomesof the community households by limiting the economicconsequences of large health expenditures (illness,accidents) and encourage these household’s access toappropriate quality health care.Vittana Foundation, a Washington non-profitcorporation with a mission of envisioning a world ofopportunity, where educated minds and skillful handswork together to uplift the next generation, breakingthe cycle of poverty. VisionFund Cambodia haspartnered with Vittana Foundation since November2012 to provide credit for youth education to accessvocational skills training and higher education. VittanaFoundation has provided VisionFund Cambodia freeconsultancy service and technical assistance to roll outthe education loan by working with various technicalschools and universities. VisionFund Cambodia has thusfar had scores of clients, who use the loan to attenduniversities for various academic degrees.VISIONFUND CAMBODIA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 31

WaterSHED Cambodia is a local NGO that facilitatesaccess to affordable and desirable water and sanitationproducts that increase adoption and proper use amongthe rural poor. Using proven, market-based principles,WaterSHED leverages the power of private enterpriseto bring water, health and prosperity to the people ofSoutheast Asia. WaterSHED entered a collaborativepartnership with <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia in mid-2012 todisburse sanitation financing loan to enable the ruralpoor to buy latrines in selected areas.Oxfam Great Britain is a humanitarian and developmentorganization with 70 years of worldwideexperience in community development. In late 2012,Oxfam Great Britain partnered with <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong>Cambodia to handle a cash-for-work project for thevictims of the 2011 floods in Kompong Thom province.A cash-for-work donation was handed by <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong>field staff as contracted with the Oxfam Great Britainfor the cash delivery service for 2,000 households.Each household received 24,300 Riels (US$6.075).Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission toconnect people through lending to alleviate poverty.Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network ofmicrofinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lendas little as US$25 to help create opportunity aroundthe world. <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia first became Kiva’sfield partner in September 2011 with a pilot statusrolling out in only 2 provinces and then was upgradedto active status in April 2012 which has enabled<strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia to expand this partnershipfor six provinces. With its strong social mission andremarkable works, <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia was grantedfive social performance badges out of a total of sevenbadges for its anti-poverty focus, client voice, family andcommunity empowerment, facilitation of saving, andinnovation and also is approved to post three differentloan schemes - Regular Loan, Higher Educationand Water Loan scheme - on the Kiva website forfundraising.PKMI is the first and only licensed micro-insurer inCambodia. It is a subsidiary of Groupe PREVOIR,French Insurance Company, over 100 years expertise inhealth and life. PKMI’s primary strategic focus is Microinsurancefor low income earners. Our partnershipwith PKMI started in November 2012. This partnershipbuilds a mutual benefit providing our clients withsimple, low-cost, quality insurance solutions. Throughthis insurance service, it will help to secure the incomesof the community households by limiting the economicconsequences of large health expenditures (illness,accidents) and encourage these household’s access toappropriate quality health care.Vittana Foundation, a Washington non-profitcorporation with a mission of envisioning a world ofopportunity, where educated minds and skillful handswork together to uplift the next generation, breakingthe cycle of poverty. <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia haspartnered with Vittana Foundation since November2012 to provide credit for youth education to accessvocational skills training and higher education. VittanaFoundation has provided <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia freeconsultancy service and technical assistance to roll outthe education loan by working with various technicalschools and universities. <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Cambodia has thusfar had scores of clients, who use the loan to attenduniversities for various academic degrees.VISIONFUND CAMBODIA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 31

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