Vision Fund

Vision Fund

Vision Fund

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‘I don’t want to recall of my past. It was so miserable for us.We worked so hard but we earned very little,’ said Sochea.The whole family depended solely on her husband’smeager income of only US$2.5 a day earned fromdoing house construction labor work. At the end ofeach tiring day, the couple would still need to go fishingfor their food which didn’t cost money. Due to the lowstandard of living, the couple earned extra income bytransporting drinking water far from the village. Theycould earn only 500 riels (about US$0.12) for everytwo containers they transport.Her fortune turned for the better in 2009 when shemet one of the staff of <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong>. She decided toget her first loan of US$75 to start off a stone statuecarving business. This small loan was used to buymaterials needed such as carving motor and stones. Byher husband’s skill and commitment, Sochea’s businessprospered to become the only supplier of carvedstone- statues in the village. As Sochea could save upto US$100 per month, she could pay off the first loanbefore the loan maturity. Subsequently, more loanswere taken to facilitate the needs of her expandingbusiness.Sochea has now been using the loan for 3 cycles andshe was selected as one of <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> Best Clients in2012 for using the loan for the right purpose. Socheaand her family are now living in a new house withenough food to eat, a new motorbike, and properclothing.“I am very happy that now our lives are much better thanbefore. Our children are also able to go to school regularlywith full stomach and well dressed. I expect the business togrow bigger by carving more valuable and larger statues. Iwant to send my children for higher education and I hopethat they will work for <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Fund</strong> as well.”VISIONFUND CAMBODIA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 25

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