e-governance and citizen information - Universitat Oberta de ...

e-governance and citizen information - Universitat Oberta de ...

e-governance and citizen information - Universitat Oberta de ...


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E-<strong>governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> Citizen Information 82 Structure <strong>and</strong> OrganisationFigure 9. ≥ 24 Commissions 2006 26Source: in-house productionThe Presi<strong>de</strong>ntial/Economy/Governance group is, finally, the cluster formed in the last of thenetworks that we are representing corresponding to the 25 commissions. An interviewee explainedthis result: “in fact, it's because they're the <strong>de</strong>partments central to the functioning ofthe Administration” (P107). Thus “Economy is the competent <strong>de</strong>partment in the area of economicresources; Governance, in the area of personnel; <strong>and</strong> the Presi<strong>de</strong>ntial Department, interms of the general coordination of the Generalitat” <strong>and</strong>, with these areas of responsibility,all three have “a voice in those aspects that touch on inter<strong>de</strong>partmental relationships” (P107).26. DARP: Department for Agriculture, Food <strong>and</strong> Rural Action; BENESTAR: Welfare; COMERÇ: Shopping; CULTURA:Culture; ECONOMIA: Economy; EDUCACIÓ: Education; GOVERNACIÓ: Governance; INTERIOR: Interior; JUSTÍCIA:Justice; MAMBIENT: Environment; PTOP: Department for Town <strong>and</strong> Country Planning <strong>and</strong> Public Works; PRESIDÈNCIA:Presi<strong>de</strong>ntial Department; RRII: Institutional Relationships; SALUT: Healthcare; TREBALL: Employment; DURSI: Departmentfor the Information Society.http://www.uoc.edu/in3/pic

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