e-governance and citizen information - Universitat Oberta de ...

e-governance and citizen information - Universitat Oberta de ...

e-governance and citizen information - Universitat Oberta de ...


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E-<strong>governance</strong> <strong>and</strong> Citizen Information 72 Structure <strong>and</strong> Organisation5.3. Cooperation <strong>and</strong> Transversality at the Management Levels of theAdministration of the GeneralitatThe sources to observe the horizontal integration at the management levels of the Generalitatmainly come from the analysis of the social networks, used to visualise the relations betweenthe <strong>de</strong>partments of the Generalitat. The relational data show the link existing between two elements<strong>and</strong> from here we can build networks that graphically show a general vision of the stateof relations in a <strong>de</strong>fined set of actors (Molina, 2001). The knowledge of the links existing betweenauthors gives us not only a <strong>de</strong>scriptive analysis that will help us un<strong>de</strong>rst<strong>and</strong> the connectionbetween actors in a <strong>de</strong>termined field. In addition, the high explanatory power provi<strong>de</strong>d bythe graphical representations of networks (Br<strong>and</strong>es et al., 2005) allows us to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the neuralgicpoints of the network of relationships between <strong>de</strong>partments <strong>and</strong> the no<strong>de</strong>s with a higherweight (<strong>and</strong> power).5.3.1. The Inter<strong>de</strong>partmental NetworksThe inter<strong>de</strong>partmental commissions are organs with a high political level <strong>and</strong> executives ofthe Generalitat (mainly the chairman, members of the board, general secretaries <strong>and</strong> managingdirectors), the origin of which “is to guarantee work in cooperation” (P107). 14 For someyears now, the Generalitat has registered the existing inter<strong>de</strong>partmental commissions, thename of the commission, the regulations, the main purpose <strong>and</strong> finally, the <strong>de</strong>partments participatingin it. With this <strong>information</strong>, we have carried out a comparative study of the existingcommissions in February 2003 <strong>and</strong> April 2006, through which we have observed, at leastpartially, the evolution of relations established between the councils of the Generalitat. 15 Theparticipation in common events (the inter<strong>de</strong>partmental commissions) creates relations betweenactors (councils) (Wasserman <strong>and</strong> Faust, 1999). 16 In this sense, to obtain a good connection tothe network, not only it is important to be present in a large number of commissions, but actorspresent in the network must also be well connected. We are interested in observing not onlythe volume of relations but also the number of participating <strong>de</strong>partments, those with the mostconstant presence, the centralities configured, etc. To carry out this study, we have carriedout an analysis of affiliation networks.14. The Inter<strong>de</strong>partmental Commissions are administrative organs used for coordination, consultation, assessment <strong>and</strong>proposal tasks, aimed at managing issues that could affect more than one <strong>de</strong>partment. They have consulting competencies.15. We must take into account that the number of <strong>de</strong>partments existing as of April 2006 was higher (16) than those existingin February 2006 (13).16. Even though in affiliation networks the joint-results do not necessarily involve a relation between actors, in the case ofthe networks analysed, an initial budget has been used, since the <strong>de</strong>cisions of the commissions link participating <strong>de</strong>partments.http://www.uoc.edu/in3/pic

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