Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality


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<strong>Normed</strong> <strong>groups</strong> 87j ∈ ω} which enumerates, for given ε > 0, a dense subset of the ε ball about e), yieldingthe following.Theorem 6.9 (Strong Compactness Theorem – modulo shift, cf. [BOst-StOstr]). LetA be a strongly right-shift compact subset of a separable normed <strong>topological</strong> group G.Then A is compactly strongly shift-covered, i.e. for any norm-open cover U of A, <strong>and</strong>any neighbourhood of e X there is a finite subset V of U, <strong>and</strong> for each member of V atranslator in N such that the corresponding translates of V cover A.Next we turn to the Steinhaus theorem, which we will derive in Section 8 (Th. 8.3)more directly as a corollary of the Category Embedding Theorem. For completeness werecall in the proof below its connection with the Weil topology introduced in [We].Definitions ([Hal-M, Section 72, p. 257 <strong>and</strong> 273]). 1. A measurable group (X, S, m) isa σ-finite measure space with X a group <strong>and</strong> m a non-trivial measure such that both S<strong>and</strong> m are left-invariant <strong>and</strong> the mapping x → (x, xy) is measurability preserving.2. A measurable group X is separated if for each x ≠ e X in X, there is a measurableE ⊂ X of finite, positive measure such that µ(E△xE) > 0.Theorem 6.10 (Steinhaus Theorem – cf. Comfort [Com, Th. 4.6 p. 1175]). Let X be alocally compact <strong>topological</strong> group which is separated under its Haar measure. For measurableA having positive finite Haar measure, the sets AA −1 <strong>and</strong> A −1 A have non-emptyinterior.Proof. For X separated, we recall (see [Hal-M, Sect. 62] <strong>and</strong> [We]) that the Weil topologyon X, under which X is a <strong>topological</strong> group, is generated by the neighbourhood base ate X comprising sets of the form N E,ε := {x ∈ X : µ(E△xE) < ε}, with ɛ > 0 <strong>and</strong>E measurable <strong>and</strong> of finite positive measure. Recall from [Hal-M, Sect. 62] the followingresults: (Th. F ) a measurable set with non-empty interior has positive measure; (Th. A) aset of positive measure contains a set of the form GG −1 , with G measurable <strong>and</strong> of finite,positive measure; <strong>and</strong> (Th. B) for such G, N Gε ⊆ GG −1 for all small enough ε > 0. Thusa measurable set has positive measure iff it is non-meagre in the Weil topology. Thus if Ais measurable <strong>and</strong> has positive measure it is non-meagre in the Weil topology. Moreover,by [Hal-M] Sect 61, Sect. 62 Ths. A <strong>and</strong> B, the metric open sets of X are generatedby sets of the form N E,ε for some Borelian-(K) set E of positive, finite measure. Bythe Piccard-Pettis Theorem, Th. 6.3 (from the Category Embedding Theorem, Th. 6.1)AA −1 contains a non-empty Weil neighbourhood N E,ε .Remark. See Section 7 below for an alternative proof via the density topology drawingon Mueller’s Haar-measure density theorem [Mue] <strong>and</strong> a category-measure theorem ofMartin [Mar] (<strong>and</strong> also for extensions to products AB). The following theorem has two

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