Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality


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1. IntroductionGroup-norms, which behave like the usual vector norms except that scaling is restrictedto the basic scalars of group theory (the units ±1 in an abelian context <strong>and</strong> the exponents±1 in the non-commutative context), have played a part in the early development of <strong>topological</strong>group theory. They appear naturally in the study of <strong>groups</strong> of homeomorphisms.Although ubiquitous, they lack a clear <strong>and</strong> unified exposition. This lack is our motivationhere, since they offer the right context for the recent theory of <strong>topological</strong> regular variation.This extends the classical theory (for which see, e.g. [BGT]) from the real line tometrizable <strong>topological</strong> <strong>groups</strong>. <strong>Normed</strong> <strong>groups</strong> are just <strong>groups</strong> carrying a right-invariantmetric. The basic metrization theorem for <strong>groups</strong>, the Birkhoff-Kakutani Theorem of1936 ([Bir], [Kak], see [Kel, Ch.6 Problems N-R], [Klee], [Bour, Part 2, Section 4.1], <strong>and</strong>[ArMa], compare also [Eng, Exercise 8.1.G <strong>and</strong> Th. 8.1.21]), is usually stated as assertingthat a first-countable Hausdorff group has a right-invariant metric. It is properly speakinga ‘normability’ theorem in the style of Kolmogorov’s Theorem ([Kol], or [Ru, Th. 1.39]; inthis connection see also [Jam], where strong forms of connectedness are used in an abeliansetting to generate norms), as we shall see below. Indeed the metric construction in [Kak]is reminiscent of the more familiar construction of a Minkowski functional (for whichsee [Ru, Sect. 1.33]), but is implicitly a supremum norm – as defined below; in Rudin’sderivation of the metric (for a <strong>topological</strong> vector space setting, [Ru, Th. 1.24]) this normis explicit. Early use by A. D. Michal <strong>and</strong> his collaborators was in providing a canonicalsetting for differential calculus (see the review [Michal2] <strong>and</strong> as instance [JMW]) <strong>and</strong>included the noteworthy generalization of the implicit function theorem by Bartle [Bart](see Th. 10.10). In name the group-norm makes an explicit appearance in 1950 in [Pet1]in the course of his classic closed-graph theorem (in connection with Banach’s closedgraphtheorem <strong>and</strong> the Banach-Kuratowski category dichotomy for <strong>groups</strong>). It reappearsin the group context in 1963 under the name ‘length function’, motivated by word length,in the work of R. C. Lyndon [Lyn2] (cf. [LynSch]) on Nielsen’s Subgroup Theorem, thata subgroup of a free group is a free group. (Earlier related usage for function spaces isin [EH].) The latter name is conventional in geometric group theory despite the parallelusage in algebra (cf. [Far]) <strong>and</strong> the recent work on norm extension (from a normalsubgroup) of Bökamp [Bo].When a group is <strong>topological</strong>ly complete <strong>and</strong> also abelian, then it admits a metric whichis bi-invariant, i.e. is both right- <strong>and</strong> left-invariant, as [Klee] first showed (in course ofsolving a problem of Banach). In Section 3 we characterize non-commutative <strong>groups</strong> thathave a bi-invariant metric, a context of significance for the calculus of regular variation[1]

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