Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality


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<strong>Normed</strong> <strong>groups</strong> 27Denoting this commonly determined set by B(r), we have seen in Proposition 2.5 thatB R (a, r) = {x : x = ya <strong>and</strong> d R (a, x) = d R (e, y) < r} = B(r)a,B L (a, r) = {x : x = ay <strong>and</strong> d L (a, x) = d L (e, y) < r} = aB(r).Thus the open balls are right- or left-shifts of the norm balls at the origin. This is bestviewed in the current context as saying that under d R the right-shift ρ a : x → xa is rightuniformly continuous, sinced R (xa, ya) = d R (x, y),<strong>and</strong> likewise that under d L the left-shift λ a : x → ax is left uniformly continuous, sinced L (ax, ay) = d L (x, y).In particular, under d R we have y → R b iff yb −1 → R e, as d R (e, yb −1 ) = d R (y, b). Likewise,under d L we have x → L a iff a −1 x → L e, as d L (e, a −1 x) = d L (x, a).Thus either topology is determined by the neighbourhoods of the identity (origin)<strong>and</strong> according to choice makes the appropriately sided shift continuous; said anotherway, the topology is determined by the neighbourhoods of the identity <strong>and</strong> the chosenshifts. We noted earlier that the triangle inequality implies that multiplication is jointlycontinuous at the identity e, as a mapping from (X, d R ) to (X, d R ). Likewise inversion isalso continuous at the identity by the symmetry axiom. (See Theorem 2.19 ′ .) To obtainsimilar results elsewhere one needs to have continuous conjugation, <strong>and</strong> this is linkedto the equivalence of the two norm topologies (see Th. 3.4). The conjugacy map underg ∈ G (inner automorphism) is defined byγ g (x) := gxg −1 .Recall that the inverse of γ g is given by conjugation under g −1 <strong>and</strong> that γ g is ahomomorphism. Its continuity, as a mapping from (X, d R ) to (X, d R ), is thus determinedby behaviour at the identity, as we verify below. We work with the right topology (underd R ), <strong>and</strong> sometimes leave unsaid equivalent assertions about the isometric case of (X, d L )replacing (X, d R ).Lemma 3.1. The homomorphism γ gright-to-right continuous at e.is right-to-right continuous at any point iff it isProof. This is immediate since x → R a if <strong>and</strong> only if xa −1 → R e <strong>and</strong> γ g (x) → R γ g (a) iffγ g (xa −1 ) → R γ g (e), since‖gxg −1 (gag −1 ) −1 ‖ = ‖gxa −1 g −1 ‖.We note that, by the Generalized Darboux Theorem (Th. 11.22), if γ g is locallynorm-bounded <strong>and</strong> the norm is N-subhomogeneous (i.e. a Darboux norm – there areconstants κ n → ∞ with κ n ‖z‖ ≤ ‖z n ‖), then γ g is continuous. Working under d R , wewill relate inversion to left-shifts. We begin with the following, a formalization of anearlier observation.

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