Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality


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<strong>Normed</strong> <strong>groups</strong> 23Remark. Note that, taking b = v = e, we have the triangle inequality. Thus the result(a) characterizes maps ‖ · ‖ with the positivity property as group pre-norms which areabelian. In regard to conjugacy, see also the Uniformity Theorem for Conjugation (Th.12.4). We now state the following classical result.Theorem 2.19 (Normability Theorem for Groups – Birkhoff-Kakutani Theorem). LetX be a first-countable <strong>topological</strong> group <strong>and</strong> let V n be a symmetric local base at e X withV 4 n+1 ⊆ V n .Let r = ∑ ∞n=1 c n(r)2 −n be a terminating representation of the dyadic number r, <strong>and</strong> putA(r) := ∑ ∞n=1 c n(r)V n .Thenp(x) := inf{r : x ∈ A(r)}is a group-norm. If further X is locally compact <strong>and</strong> non-compact, then p may be arrangedsuch that p is unbounded on X, but bounded on compact sets.For a proof see that offered in [Ru] for Th. 1.24 (p. 18-19), which derives a metrizationof a <strong>topological</strong> vector space in the form d(x, y) = p(x − y) <strong>and</strong> makes no use of thescalar field (so note how symmetric neighbourhoods here replace the ‘balanced’ ones in a<strong>topological</strong> vector space). That proof may be rewritten verbatim with xy −1 substitutingfor the additive notation x − y (cf. Proposition 2.2).Remark. In fact, a close inspection of Kakutani’s metrizability proof in [Kak] (cf. [SeKu]§7.4) for <strong>topological</strong> <strong>groups</strong> yields the following characterization of normed <strong>groups</strong> – fordetails see [Ost-LB3].Theorem 2.19 ′ (Normability Theorem for right <strong>topological</strong> <strong>groups</strong> – Birkhoff-KakutaniTheorem). A first-countable right <strong>topological</strong> group X is a normed group iff inversion<strong>and</strong> multiplication are continuous at the identity.We close with some information concerning commutators, which arise in Theorems3.7, 6.3, 10.7 <strong>and</strong> 10.9.Definition. The right-sided <strong>and</strong> left-sided commutators are defined byAs[x, y] L : = xyx −1 y −1 .[x, y] R : = x −1 y −1 xy = [x −1 , y −1 ] L .xy = [x, y] L yx <strong>and</strong> xy = yx[x, y] R ,these express in terms of shifts the distortion arising from commuting factors, <strong>and</strong> sotheir continuity here is significant. Let [x, y] denote either a right or left commutator;

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