Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality


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140 N. H. Bingham <strong>and</strong> A. J. Ostaszewskiquasi-isometry, 10, 96Ramsey’s Th., 50refinement norm, 10refinement topology, 7Reflecting Lemma, 106right-invariant metric, 9Right-invariant sup-norm, 18ρ g (x), 6right-shift compact, 84Second Verification Th., 92Self-similarity Th., 102semicontinuous, 70semicontinuous – lower, 46semicontinuous – upper, 46Semigroup Th., 101, 103semi<strong>topological</strong>, 60semi<strong>topological</strong> group, 26sequence space, 54, 124sequential, 125sequential – completely sequential, 125Shift-Compactness Th., 85shifted-cover, 86slowly varying, 12smooth, 110Souslin criterion - Baire functions, 116Souslin hierarchy, 114Souslin-H, 113Souslin-graph Th., 118span, 113Squared Pettis Th., 78Steinhaus Th., 100Steinhaus Th. – Weil Topology, 87subadditive, 67subcontinuous, 50Subgroup <strong>Dichotomy</strong> Th. – normed <strong>groups</strong>,88Subgroup <strong>Dichotomy</strong> Th. – <strong>topological</strong> <strong>groups</strong>,88Subgroup Th., 100subuniversal set, 94supremum norm, 15Th. of Jones <strong>and</strong> Kominek, 112thick, 84<strong>topological</strong> centre, 59Topological Quasi-Duality Th., 131<strong>topological</strong> under weak refinement, 16<strong>topological</strong>ly complete, 71unconditional divergence, 136Ungar’s Th., 36Uniformity Th. for Conjugation, 129uniformly continuous, 52uniformly divergent sequence, 133vanishingly small word-net , 41weak category convergence, 80weak continuity, 29, 52

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