Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality


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<strong>Normed</strong> <strong>groups</strong> 139embeddable, 14enables Baire continuity, 115ε-swelling, 11Equivalence Th., 29equivalent bounded norm, 7evaluation map, 31Example C, 18Examples A., 6Examples B, 8First Verification Th., 82g-conjugate norm, 10G-ideal, 124γ g (x), 6Generalized Darboux Th., 123Generalized Mehdi Th., 111Generalized Piccard-Pettis Th., 89Generic <strong>Dichotomy</strong> Principle, 74Global Bounds Th., 97Group of left shifts, 33group-norm, 4Heine-Borel property , 57Heine-Borel Th., 50N-homogeneous, 41homogeneous – 2-homogeneous, 5homogeneous – n-homogeneous, 41homomorphism, 27infinitely divisible, 40inner-regularity, 72Interior Point Th., 99Invariance of Norm Th., 22Jones-Kominek Th. , 122Kakutani-Birkhoff Th., 23KBD – First Generalized Measurable Th.,93KBD – Kestelman-Borwein-Ditor Th., 2KBD – normed <strong>groups</strong>, 2KBD – Second Generalized Measurable, 119KBD – <strong>topological</strong> <strong>groups</strong>, 83KBD – <strong>topological</strong>ly complete norm, 72Klee group, 26Klee property, 22, 30Kodaira’s Th., 93Kuratowski <strong>Dichotomy</strong>, 88left-invariant metric, 9Left-right Approximation, 63left-right commutator inequality, 25λ g (x), 6Lindelöf, 112Lipschitz properties of H u , 128Lipschitz property, 40Lipschitz-1 norms, 40Lipschitz-normed, 40locally bi-Lipschitz, 105locally convex, 108locally Lipschitz, 105lower hull, 67Luzin hierarchy, 114Magnification metric, 21McShane’s Interior Points Th., 90meagre, 49modular, 105Montgomery’s Th., 61multiplicative, 21N-homogeneous – homomorphism, 123n-Lipschitz, 105nearly abelian norm, 46Nikodym’s Th., 114No Trumps Th., 95norm topology, 26norm-central, 44oscillation function, 57Pathology Th., 65Permutation metric, 130Piccard Th., 100Piccard-Pettis Th., 84pointwise divergent sequence, 133Product Set Th., 103Q-good, 125quasi-continuous, 66Quasi-isometric <strong>duality</strong>, 130

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