Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality


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114 N. H. Bingham <strong>and</strong> A. J. OstaszewskiTheorem 11.5 (Nikodym’s Theorem – [Nik]; [Jay-Rog, p. 42]). The Baire sets of a spaceX are closed under the Souslin operation. Hence Souslin-F(X) sets are Baire.We promised examples of Baire sets; we can describe a hierarchy of them.Examples of Baire sets. By analogy with the projective hierarchy of sets (known alsoas the Luzin hierarchy – see [Kech], p. 313, which may be generated from the closed setsby iterating projection <strong>and</strong> complementation any finite number of times), we may formthe closely associated hierarchy of sets starting with the closed sets <strong>and</strong> iterating anyfinite number of times the Souslin operation S (following the notation of [Jay-Rog]) <strong>and</strong>complementation, denoted analogously by C say. Thus in a complete metric space oneobtains the family A of analytic sets, by complementation the family CA of co-analyticsets, then SCA which contains the previous two classes, <strong>and</strong> so on. By Nikodym’s theoremall these sets have the Baire property. One might call this the Souslin hierarchy.One may go further <strong>and</strong> form the smallest σ-algebra (with complementation allowed)closed under S <strong>and</strong> containing the closed sets; this contains the Souslin hierarchy (implicitthrough an iteration over the countable ordinals). Members of the latter family arereferred to as the C-sets – see Nowik <strong>and</strong> Reardon [NR].Definitions. 1. Say that a function f : X → Y between two <strong>topological</strong> spaces is H-Baire, for H a class of sets in Y, if f −1 (H) has the Baire property for each set H in H.Thus f is F(Y )-Baire if f −1 (F ) is Baire for all closed F in Y. Taking complements, sincef −1 (Y \H) = X\f −1 (H),f is F(Y )-Baire iff it is G(Y )-Baire, when we will simply say that f is Baire (‘f has theBaire property’ is the alternative usage).2. One must distinguish between functions that are F(Y )-Baire <strong>and</strong> those that lie in thesmallest family of functions closed under pointwise limits of sequences <strong>and</strong> containing thecontinuous functions (for a modern treatment see [Jay-Rog, Sect. 6]). We follow traditionin calling these last Baire-measurable (originally called by Lebesgue the analyticallyrepresentable functions, a term used in the context of metric spaces in [Kur-1, 2.31.IX,p. 392] ; cf. [Fos]).3. We will say that a function is Baire-continuous if it is continuous when restricted tosome co-meagre set. In the real line case <strong>and</strong> with the density topology, this is Denjoy’sapproximate continuity ([LMZ, p. 1]); recall ([Kech, 17.47]) that a set is (Lebesgue)measurable iff it has the Baire property under the density topology.The connections between these concepts are given in the theorems below. See thecited papers for proofs, <strong>and</strong> for the starting point, Baire’s Theorem on the points ofdiscontinuity of a Borel measurable function.

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