Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality


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<strong>Normed</strong> <strong>groups</strong> 107Proof. Say f is bounded above in B := B δ (x 0 ) by M. Consider u ∈˜d(x 0 , u) = ‖u −1 x 0 ‖ < δ. Put t = u −1 x 2 0; then tx −10 = u −1 x 0 , <strong>and</strong> soThen t ∈ B, <strong>and</strong> since x 2 0 = ut we haveord(t, x 0 ) = ‖tx −10 ‖ = ‖u−1 x 0 ‖ = ˜d(u, x 0 ) < δ.2f(x 0 ) ≤ f(u) + f(t) ≤ f(u) + M,f(u) ≥ 2f(x 0 ) − M.Thus 2f(x 0 ) − M is a lower bound for f on the open set ˜B δ (x 0 ).˜B δ (x 0 ). ThusAs a corollary a suitably rephrased Bernstein-Doetsch Theorem ([Kucz], [BOst-Aeq])is thus true.Theorem 10.6 (Bernstein-Doetsch Theorem). In a normed group, for fa 1 2-convex function,if f is locally bounded above at x 0 , then f is continuous at at x 0 .Proof. We repeat the ‘Second proof’ of [Kucz, p. 145]. Choose y n → x 0 with f(y n ) →m f (x 0 ) <strong>and</strong> z n → x 0 with f(z n ) → M f (x 0 ). Let u n :=ynx 2 −1n . Thus yn 2 = u n x n <strong>and</strong> so2f(y n ) ≤ f(u n ) + f(z n ),i.e. f(u n ) ≥ 2f(y n ) − f(z n ). Hence in the limit we obtainM f (x 0 ) ≥ lim inf f(u n ) ≥ 2M f (x 0 ) − m f (x 0 ).One thus has that M f (x 0 ) ≤ m f (x 0 ). But m f (x 0 ) ≤ f(x 0 ) ≤ M f (x 0 ), <strong>and</strong> both hullvalues are finite (by the result above). Thus m f (x 0 ) = f(x 0 ) = M f (x 0 ), from whichcontinuity follows.We now consider the transferability of upper <strong>and</strong> lower local boundedness. Our proofswork directly with definitions (so are not modelled after those in Kuczma [Kucz]). Wedo not however consider domains other than the whole metric group. For clarity of proofstructure we give separate proofs for the two cases, first when Gis abelian <strong>and</strong> later forgeneral G.Theorem 10.7 (Local upper boundedness). In a normed <strong>topological</strong> group G, for fa12 -convex function defined on G, if f is locally bounded above at some point x 0, then f islocally bounded above at all points.Proof. Case (i) The Abelian case. Say f is bounded above in B := B δ (x 0 ) by M. Givena fixed point t, put z = z t := x −10 t2 , so that t 2 = x 0 z. Consider any u ∈ B δ/2 (t).Write u = st with ‖s‖ < δ/2. Now put y = s 2 ; then ‖y‖ = ‖s 2 ‖ ≤ 2‖s‖ < δ. Henceyx 0 ∈ B δ (x 0 ). Nowu 2 = (st) 2 = s 2 t 2 = yx 0 z,

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