Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality

Normed versus topological groups: Dichotomy and duality


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100 N. H. Bingham <strong>and</strong> A. J. OstaszewskiCorollary 8.2 (Piccard Theorem, [Pic1], [Pic2]). For S Baire <strong>and</strong> non-meagre in thenorm topology, the difference sets SS −1 <strong>and</strong> S −1 S have e as interior point.First Proof. Apply the preceding Theorem, since by the First Verification Theorem (Th.6.2), the condition (wcc) holds. Second Proof. Suppose otherwise. Then, as before, for each positive integer n we mayselect z n ∈ B 1/n (e)\(S −1 S). Since z n → e, by the Kestelman-Borwein-Ditor Theorem(Cor. 6.4), for quasi all s ∈ S there is an infinite M s such that {sz m : m ∈ M s } ⊆ S.Then for any m ∈ M s , sz m ∈ S , i.e. z m ∈ SS −1 , a contradiction. Corollary 8.3 (Steinhaus Theorem, [St], [We]; cf. Comfort [Com, Th. 4.6 p. 1175] ,Beck et al. [BCS]). In a normed locally compact group, for S of positive measure, thedifference sets S −1 S <strong>and</strong> SS −1 have e as interior point.Proof. Arguing as in the first proof above, by the Second Verification Theorem (Th. 7.5),the condition (wcc) holds <strong>and</strong> S, in the density topology, is Baire <strong>and</strong> non-meagre (by theCategory-Measure Theorem, Th. 7.2). The measure-theoretic form of the second proofabove also applies.The following corollary to the Steinhaus Theorem Th. 6.10 (<strong>and</strong> its Baire categoryversion) have important consequences in the Euclidean case. We will say that the groupG is (weakly) Archimedean if for each r > 0 <strong>and</strong> each g ∈ G there is n = n(g) such thatg ∈ B n where B := {x : ‖x‖ < r} is the r-ball.Theorem 8.4 (Category (Measure) Subgroup Theorem). For a Baire (resp. measurable)subgroup S of a weakly Archimedean locally compact group G, the following are equivalent:(i) S = G,(ii) S is Baire non-meagre (resp. measurable non-null).Proof. By Th. 8.1, for some r-ball B,<strong>and</strong> hence G = ⋃ n Bn = S.B ⊆ SS −1 ⊆ S,We will see in the next section a generalization of the Pettis extension of Piccard’sresult asserting that, for S, T Baire non-meagre, the product ST contains interior points.As our approach will continue to be bi<strong>topological</strong>, we will deduce also the Steinhaus resultthat, for S, T non-null <strong>and</strong> measurable, ST contains interior points.

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